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England founded the first successful colony in North America called Jamestown named after Great Britain's king, King James.

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Q: Who found the first successful colony in north America?
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Where was most of the first settlement in America found?

Roanoke was the lost colony of North America.

Who found England's first America colony?

George Washington of course

What was the last colony to be found in America?

The last colony to be founded in America was the colony of Georgia

Which colony was found in 1607 and why was it successful?


Who found the first colony in America?

Roanoke Island by the brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, Gilbert Raleigh. This colony did not succeed.

What was the first original colony?

In America, it is Saint Augustine, Florida which was found in 1565 by the Spanish.

What colony did English debtors found when they came to America?

The colony founded in America was called The Province of Georgia or Georgia Colony. It was considered a place where debtors could be safe.

What happens to North Carolina the first colony?

The first colony was in north America and not in north Carolina was found in 1585 And by sir Walter Raleigh and war started and it was destroyed by other people thet wanted them to suffer

Was Columbus successful?

no all he found was America! i think :)

Was Christopher Columbus successful in exploring?

ummmmmm, of course if he sorta found America then of course he was successful

What was the first colony found?

Massachusetts was the first colony foundedThe first English colony in North America was the Colony of Roanoke, founded in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh, in present-day North Carolina, under the blessing of Queen Elizabeth I. This was an unsuccessful settlement, also called "the Lost Colony." The first English settler born in the New World, Virginia Dare, was part of this community.The first successful English colony was Jamestown, Virginia, founded in 1607, sponsored by the Virginia Company of London and named after King James I of England.Plymouth, Massachusetts was the third English settlement (second successful), founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims.The first European settlers of the present-day United States were the Spanish, who established Pensacola, Florida in 1559, making it the first Europeansettlement.The Spanish also founded Saint Augustine, Florida in 1565. Since Pensacola was destroyed and later reestablished, Saint Augustine is the oldest, continuous European settlement in the United States.

Was Balboa successful?

To a point he was. He found unknown areas of North America.