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The entire Nazi terror apparatus, including sections of the police, had the authority to send people to concentration camps. For example, sometimes the police decided that people with previous convictions were repeat offenders and, instead of sending them for trial, simply sent them to concentration camps.

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Q: Who had the authority to send people in to concentration camps?
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Why did the Nazis send people who were different to concentration camps?

because hitler thought that the people or jews were not of an perfect race so he would send them to concentration camps to maliciosly kill them

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Did Hitler send people to prison?

Yes, and he sent millions to concentration camps and termination camps which were worse than prisons.

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They were sent to concentration camps ...

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The people captured by the Nazis were sent to concentration camps. If they did not send you to a concentration camp they would send you to a labour camp. Often they were sent to a 'transit camp' first, till there were enough people for a train-load to a concentration camp. You see in the camps you were not allowed to talk about how wrong the Nazis were because, they felt that after getting rid of them they would finally have a perfect world. But what does perfect actually mean? Figure that out.

When did Hitler send the Jews to Concentration Camps?

May 1940 in a big load but hitler did send jews to camps as early as 1933 but none of them were killed

Hitler established brutal to send the 'undesirables'?

concentration camps

When did Hitler send Jews to concentration camps?


Where were Jews forced to lived?

concentration camps or death camps Edit: Like the above said, they were sent to concentration camps. Although, if they were healthy the Jew was then send to work camps, but before this they lived in the ghettos. (or they had to go hide.)

Did the Nazis send the Russians to concentration camps?

Yes, during the leadership of the"Fuhrer" some Russians were sent to concentration camps if they protested or disagreed to the made decisions. but mostly the punished people were Jew.

Why was the US concerned with Japanese attempts to create an empire in china in the 1930s?

because, they were scared that they could start building concentration camps and send people in their