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The Treaty of Versailles, which worked out the details of the end of World War 1, forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the War and required them to pay reparations for damages occurred by the Allied forces. These debts crippled their economy and were one contributing factor leading to the rise of the Nazi party, which promised Germany future glory. In fact, Germany was not the sole cause of World War I; the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary in 1914 and a series of miscommunications and acts of sheer stupidity among several of Europe's major powers all helped it along.

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Q: Who had to take full responsibility for World War I?
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Who took full responsibility for world war 1 in the Treaty of Versailles?

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What treaty required Germany to take full responsibility of World War 1?

It was the Treaty of Versailles that Germany took FULL RESPONSABILITY for in World War I.Hope this helped you,MichaelaThompson

When did war war 1 end?

Officially ended in 1919 by the treaty of Versailles signed in Paris. This treaty stated that Germany had to take full responsibility of the war and this treaty would be a major factor of the beginning of World War II

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Treaty of Versailles

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Germany will accept full responsibility for causing the war.

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Black Hand claimed responsibility for the assassination of the future king in World War I.

What country was forced to take full responsibility for the war?

Germany- also they were forced to pay 33billion which they recently just finished paying debt about a month ago

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He was their leader.

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How did the Treaty of Versaille affect Germany?

The treaty assessed responsibility for the war. Germany was forced to take full responsibility for the conflict. the treaty forced Germany to limit the size of its military and they had to return conquered lands to France and Russia. Other German lands were taken to form the newly independent nation of Poland, and German colonies around the globe were given to various world powers.