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Q: Who has right of way police or ambulance?
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Does the postal service have the right of way above ambulance fire and police when they have their lights and sirens on?

No. ALL vehicles are supposed to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles.

Does an ambulance have the right of way when they are not carrying patients?

If an ambulance is trying to get to an individual who needs medical attention, they have the right of way.

Who do right of way laws apply to?

Everyone on the road - including emergency vehicles. E.g., if a police car and an ambulance - both with lights and sirens active - meet each other at an intersection, the ambulance has right of way.

How does one yield right of way to an Ambulance on an expressway?

As an EMT, I work on the ambulance a lot and I've seen many ways people try to get out of the way of an ambulance. On ANY road, when an emergency vehicle is coming, SLOW DOWN, or STOP and pull to the RIGHT. That is the correct way to yield right of way to an ambulance. This will help ambulance crews AA whole lot.

Do you have to yield the right of way to a tank the same way you do to an ambulance police car or fire truck?

A tank is not an emergency vehicle and is probably not covered in the vehicle code. However it would be inadvisable to contest the right-of-way with a combat vehicle weighing more than your house.

What is the word for when you have to pull over for an ambulance?

To YIELD or to give the right-of-way.

Why are the words police and ambulance painted back to front on police vehiles and ambulances?

They are painted backwards. They are this way so people can read it in their car mirror.

Why you can see the word 'ambulance' in the car mirror even though you are not looking at the ambulance that is behind the car?

The word "Ambulance" is printed backwards on the front of the ambulance so you can read it in the mirror the right way around

Why is word ambulance in an ambulance is reversed?

The word ambulance on an ambulance is backwards because when you're in front of an ambulance and there's an emergency you would usually see from your rear view mirror. When you see something in a mirror it is always backwards. so when you see the word ambulance on an ambulance, you would see it normally.

A plural word for police cfa ses ambulance?

The plural of police is policeThe plural of CFA is CFAsThe plural of SES is SES'sThe plural of ambulance is ambulances

Why richer countries might be better at coping with earthquakes?

Because u will be able to contact the police,ambulance,firefighters etc in the right time

If you are not home and a kid dies in your pool?

Call the police and an ambulance.