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The Constitution vested Congress with the authority to regulate trade with other nations, between the states, and with Native American Tribes in the Interstate Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3).

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9y ago

The federal government is the one which has the power to regulate interstate trade. They will work in collaboration with the local governments at the state levels.

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Congress has the power to regulate interstate trade which was given to them through the Commerce Clause.

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What can Congress do under the expressed powers granted to it by the US Constitution?

Regulate interstate trade.

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The Congress holds the power to regulate foreign and interstate trade.

who the power to regulate trade?

congress, Article 1 Section 8 Clause 3, "this claus, the Commerce Clause, gives Congress the power to regulate both foreign and interstate trade. Much of what Congress does, it does on the basis of its commerce power."

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the power to regulate interstate commerce.

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The Legislative Branch has the power to regulate foreign trade and interstate commerce, as stated in the US Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.

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The power to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to regulate foreign commerce.

Which can congress do under the expressed powers to it by the constitution?

Regulate interstate trade.

What body of government has the power to regulate trade?

The Constitution vested Congress with the authority to regulate trade with other nations, between the states, and with Native American Tribes in the Interstate Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3).

The constitutional power to regulate commerce allows the Federal Government to exercise control over?

The federal government can exercise control over interstate trade.

What do congress do under the expressed powers granted to it by the constitution?

regulate interstate trade