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Q: Who helped Henry the 3rd rule because he was still a child?
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Does Child support still get paid if child decides not to visit?

Yes. You helped produce the child so you need to support it.

Who was Henry viii's second child?

If you mean his legitamate children the secon child was Elizabeth daughter of Anne Boleyn

Do you still pay support if child has moved out?

yes you do because that is still your child!

Does a father have to pay child support if a child receives disability for ADHD?

Of course. A child received disability for ADHD because living with the disorder requires extra help that can add to the costs of raising and caring for the child. The mother still needs the father's financial help in supporting the child's day to day needs. The government should not be expected to do his job regarding the child he helped to bring into the world.Of course. A child received disability for ADHD because living with the disorder requires extra help that can add to the costs of raising and caring for the child. The mother still needs the father's financial help in supporting the child's day to day needs. The government should not be expected to do his job regarding the child he helped to bring into the world.Of course. A child received disability for ADHD because living with the disorder requires extra help that can add to the costs of raising and caring for the child. The mother still needs the father's financial help in supporting the child's day to day needs. The government should not be expected to do his job regarding the child he helped to bring into the world.Of course. A child received disability for ADHD because living with the disorder requires extra help that can add to the costs of raising and caring for the child. The mother still needs the father's financial help in supporting the child's day to day needs. The government should not be expected to do his job regarding the child he helped to bring into the world.

Is Henry Hudson still a live?

no henry hudson is not alive because its imposible for somone to live that long

Can you stop paying child support because you are unable to work because of an illness?

No. You can go to court and see about having the payment amount reduced but you still have to pay child support because your child still needs to eat.

What problems were caused because of king Henry's children different religious belief?

If you are asking about Henry the 8th religion and children his only child to survive him was Elizabeth1 and it was law that any one who was king or queen belong to the Church of England. In fact, it is still law.

Do you need to pay child support if you have an intervention order stopping you from seeing the child?

Yes, you will still have to pay child support because you are the mother or father of the child, and that makes you still pay child support.

Why is there still child slavery in Africa?

Child slavery in Africa persists due to a combination of factors such as poverty, lack of education, weak enforcement of laws, and cultural norms that perpetuate the practice. The exploitation of children for labor continues to be driven by economic reasons and the vulnerability of families facing hardships. Efforts towards combatting child slavery in Africa require addressing systemic issues and promoting education, economic development, and enforcement of laws to protect children.

Are childproof containers really childproof?

no because a child can still get into them.

Why was Anne Boleyn beheaded?

She was the 2nd wife of Henry the 8th, Henry couldn't have a child because he had syphillus, even though that doesnt make sense, she was charged with adultry and insest for having a kid with Henry. In the end, Henry is a mad man.

Would Cameron Boyce date a girl named Devika Henry who is 11?

You can ask his staff, but no. Eleven is still considered a child.