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Q: Who helped the fundamental orders who helped the fun?
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An example of dissent in Massachusetts Bay Colony was Thomas Hooker who founded Hartford colony and helped to draft the Fundamental Orders of?

Fundamental orders of connecticut

What were the fundamental orders?

The Fundamental Orders was a basic constitution written in Connecticut when it was formed.

What precedent was set with the fundamental Orders of connecticticut?

The precedent for voluntary union of the colonies was set with the fundamental orders of Connecticut.

What were the orders?

The Fundamental Orders was a basic constitution written in Connecticut when it was formed.

How does the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflect the English contribution to American Democracy?

Well, the Mayflower Compact helped reflect the English contribution by giving every man on the ship the right to vote leading to present day every citizen being able to vote. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflects by describing representative government in detail. Tell me if it helped.

A model for future state constitutions in America was the?

It was the Fundamental Order

What was the first colonial constitution?

The first colonial constitution was the Fundamental Orders. The Fundamental Orders was created on Jan 14, 1639 in Hartford, Connecticut.

What was colonial connecticuts government?

it was the rule of Fundamental Orders of was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.The government in Colonial Connecticut was a Constitutional monarchy.

What Colony wrote the fundamental orders?


What was the house of burgesses and the fundamental orders of Connecticut?

the mayflower compact house of burgesses and fundamental orders of connecticut are all examples of the efforts of colonial americans to

What is the significance of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to the US government?

ANSWER:The Fundamental Orders later would serve as one of the models for the Constitution of the United States. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Connecticut delegates helped work out the Great Compromise or Connecticut Compromise. It broke a deadlock over how many representatives each state should elect to Congress. This compromise and The Fundamental Orders earned Connecticut the nickname of the "Constitution State."

The fundamental orders of Connecticut rested government on the will of the what?

on the will of the people