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The Judicial branch helps to interpret the law, and it is actually the Executive branch which helps to carry out the law of the Legislative branch.

The Legislative branch is the lawmaking branch of our government. The Legislative branch also controls our finances and has the ability to declare war, though here we'll only talk about its duty to make laws. It's a bicameral legislature, or one made up of two different houses. These are the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 members, two from each state, and the House has 435 members with the number varying from state to state based on that state's population. Together, the two houses make Federal Laws for the United States.

The Executive branch, then, spends money according to Congress, declares a state of emergency, grants pardons for crimes, and appoints judges to the Supreme Court. In addition, it enforces the laws which Congress created. The executive branch includes the President and the Vice President, the armed forces, the CIA, and fifteen executive departments, amongst others. The head of each executive department, appointed by the president, is also a member of his cabinet, or group of advisers. It is these departments which carry out each days administration of the federal government.

Finally, the Judicial branch interprets the laws and decides whether or not they're constitutional. This is known as judicial review, and though it is not stated in the Constitution, the power of judicial review was established in Marbury v. Madison (1803). If a law is considered to be unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court, then it is no longer a law. There are nine Supreme Court Justices who appointed by the president and serve for life.

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