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Boxer represented a hard worker. The kind that always believed in the revolution and in Stalin. He/she would give all their life, all their power to do their work best they could. In the end , when The Soviet Union wouldn't need him/her any more, they'd end up just like Boxer did.

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If you are referring to the Russian Revolution and the characters Orwell drew a parallel to match then Boxer was supposed to portray working people and peasants.

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Q: Who in reality is like boxer in animal farm?
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What is the name of the horse in Animal Farm?

Like the book? The horses represented the working class.

Who does boxer represent in Animal Farm?

(old answer, not my answer)boxer is named after the boxer rebellion in China ! (my answer) boxer represents a type of person during that time. not a particular person in history. he represents a very hardworking person. there were some people like boxer in real like that. boxer represents that type of person

Who is the mother figure in Animal Farm?

The mother figure in this book is Clover. She takes care of the other animals, like when Boxer was sick.

Why didn't boxer kill napoleon in animal farm?

Because, Boxer, like all the other animals, were brainwashed by the pigs in the beginning. They only thing the only way to survive is for the pigs to be in charge.

What is boxer like in Animal Farm?

Boxer is a very hard worker. His two slogans are, " I will work harder" and " Napoleon is all ways right" He died because of old age and Napoleon send him to a slaughterer but he tells the animals that he has gone to a expensive hospital.

What does boxer's physical appeareance look like in animal farm?

he is a big, muscular horse that has a white stripe down his nose, but I'm not sure what color he is everywhere else. I assume black or brown

What animal is Moses in Animal Farm?

He is the Raven. He is symbolic of the Russian Orthodox Church

What is called farm animal?

Animal farming is also referred to as livestock farming or animal husbandry.

Why did napoleon send boxer to the knacker instead of the hospital?

Napoleon sends Boxer to the slaughter house instead of the hospital because he doesn't want to spend money on something he doesn't think is needed, like treating Boxer. He figures that Boxer will never fully recover so he is useless to the farm, so he sends him away to the slaughter house to be killed. Hope this helped :)

How is the story of Animal Farm told?

The story of Animal Farm is told in the form of an allegory, where animals on a farm represent different classes and figures in Soviet Russia. Through the animals' rebellion against their human farmer and subsequent rise to power, the novel satirizes the Russian Revolution and explores themes of power, corruption, and manipulation. George Orwell uses simple language and animal characters to convey complex political ideas and criticisms.

What are some of the ironies in Animal Farm by George Orwell?

they got away from the humans rule but in the end the pigs started acting like humans. boxer, the hardest worker was murdered and sold to buy beer when it seems like he would've been treated better in his old age.