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Q: Who introduced the people of Ghana to Islam in the mid 11th-century?
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Who introduced the people of Ghana to Islam in the mid-eleventh centruy?

The Almoravids

Were the people of medieval Ghana religious?

The people of medieval Ghana were Islam.

What did the trans-Saharan caravans bring to Ghana other than trade goods?

Berber traders introduced written language (Arabic) and brought Islam to West Africa. This answer is brought from a direct source and is true. This is what trans-Saharan caravans brought to Ghana other than trade goods.

How was Islam introduced into west African Sudan?

they ate people

What did the spread of Islam in Ghana and mali result from?

Islam spread in Mali and Ghana by the Arab Muslim traders.

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Why were common people in Ghana less likely to convert in Islam?

Why were common people in Ghana less likely to convert to Islam you ask? Because they were born with a religion and they kept it alive. Kings thought that they could have more control by converting to a different religion.

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What effect do you think Islam had on the education of people of the Ghana who converted to this religion?

i think that the effect was greatly!

Why did the Almoravids attack Ghana?

The Almoravids attacked Ghana in attempt to force its leader to convert to Islam.

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Traders coming from the north introduced Islam into Nigeria.

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