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George Eastman invented film in the sense that he invented photographic film that replaced chemically coated glass or metal plates in the making of still photographs.

Thomas Alva Edison invented the movie by working with Eastman to make photographic film suitable for motion pictures, and then by developing the process for photographing staged stories and presenting the results in Nickelodeons..

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14y ago

For cameras- credit is generally given to George Eastman of Eastman-Kodak. however Daguerrotype and other plate processes antdate him, as did the Glass-negative plare Ambrotype process, do not confuse with Ambroid model-airplane cement! Some Ambrotype cameras were made as late as l927 New ( Ihagee, Dresden) and as late as l93l from recycled ( if that is the word) factory-made spare parts.

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Kinetiscope was the first projector invented by Thomas Edison in 1894

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Q: Who invented films?
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The silent films were invented in the 1915's.

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When was films invented and who invented it?

In 1891 by William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, working for Thomas Edison.

Are there online films on US history 1880 - 1920?

No films on this time. The movie camera hadn't been invented only the still camera.

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The process for color film had not been invented yet. A few silent films had scenes where the frames were hand colored but that was a very tedius method.

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3d drawing is a whole load of bull

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Thomas Edison's a man coughing clip. Edison invented films.

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They were invented in the 1940s or somat not internet more like typing and films.

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What films did William Shakespeare write?

William Shakespeare did not write screenplays, because films did not get invented until about 260 years after his death and films with sound did not get invented until 311 years after his death. The answer is, Shakespeare did not write any films or even filmscripts. He did, however write a number of stageplays which have been adapted for the screen numerous times, both before and after "talkie" pictures. The Internet Movie database lists more than 800 films adapted from his plays, the earliest in 1899 and the most recent only now in development. The Guinness Book of World Records lists Shakespeare as the person who has had more films adapted from his works than any other, and the competition is not even close.

What films were popular at the movies?

Thousands and thousands of popular movies have come out in the last hundred or so years since the moving picture was invented. That is way too many to list here. Please ask your question again and specify a year ("What films were popular in 1974?") or at least, a decade ("What films were popular in the 1970s?").

What main purpose was the DVD invented?

The DVD was invented to make watching films easier. Some features of DVDs that VHS tapes do not have are be able to choose to watch any scene of the movie instantly, and extra scenes.