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The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code.

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When the Morse code invented?

A character code invented by Samuel Morse it is called the Morse code and it was invented in 1844. It was replaced by a simplified International Morse Code that is easier to use in 1865.

Who was the creator of Morse Code?

Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code.

Who ivented Morse code?

Sameul Morse invented the code.

What year did he invent Morse code?

Samuel Morse invented Morse Code in 1836.

When was Morse code was invented?

It was invented in 1844 by Samuel Morse and his partners.

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Alfred Lewis Vail invented the Morse code around 1832.

Morse was invented in the 1830s?

Samuel Morse was the inventor of the Morse Code, for telegraphs.

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Yes. Queen Victoria was alive when Morse code was invented. It was invented in 1848.

How was the Morse code was invented?

people where tired of talking to each other so they invented Morse Code trust me

Did Samuel Morse invent the telegraph?

Yes Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. He also invented the morse code

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Samuel Morse, the man who invented it

Why is Samuel Morse birthday celebrated?

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