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Q: Who invented the steam powered vehicle?
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When was fist steam powered vehicle invented?

the first steam powered vehicle was invented in 1769 by NICOLAS JOSEPH CUGNOT. the vehicle was an military tractor. the vehicle need to be stopped for every 15 mins for to built up for steam power. he instructed mechanic brazin to built the steam operated vehicle

In what year was the first steam powered vehicle invented?

It was invented by Joseph Cugnot in 1769.

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1801, Richard Trevithick invented the first steam powered locomotive (designed for roads).

What decade where cars invented?

the first ever documented vehicle was in the 1670's it was steam powered

When was the fist car invented?

The first gasoline powered vehicle was built in 1885-86 by Karl F. Benz. There were others before that that were steam powered.

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when was the steam powered printing press invented

What was the steam tractor used for?

A steam tractoris a vehicle powered by a steam engine which isused forpulling.

When was the first steam powered vehicle in use?

the earliest steam engine is used in 1727

When was the first steam powered vehicle put into use?

The oldest known self propelled vehicle is the 1769 Cugnot Steam Tractor.

When was the Steam powered railroad locomotive invented?

All i know is that George Stephenson invented it.

Who introduce first car and when?

The first steam powered vehicle was made in 1678 for a Chinese emperor, it was invented by a catholic priest named Father Ferdinand Verbiest.

Who invented the car and when was it invented?

Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle around 1672, designed as a toy for the Chinese Emperor, it being of small scale and unable to carry a driver or passenger but, quite possibly, the first working steam-powered vehicle ('auto-mobile'). The invention of the first practical automobile is credited to Karl Benz of Germany. He invented the Benz Patent Motorwagen in 1885.