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Q: Who is Africa named after?
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The Poruguese named the tip of Africa what?

If you mean the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, they named it "Cabo da Boa Esperança"

Who named the continent of Africa?

The continent of Africa was named by the ancient Romans. It referred to what is now the country of Tunisia and its meaning was "land of the Afri."

What country in south Africa was named for an ancient empire of this region?

i dont give a africa

What capital in Africa is named after the 5th president of the US?

The capital of Liberia is named Monrovia.

What capital in Africa is named after a president?

Monrovia, the capital of Liberia is named for James Monroe.

Why is the largest lake in Africa named Victoria?

Because Africa was once under the Great Britain

Are there any cities in south America named Africa?


Was there a girl named jessica in his elementary school?

she was in Africa

What is the tip of Africa named?

The Cape of Good Hope.

Movie named after a country in Africa?


Who worlds oldest rat?

in Africa an person named zock

Why are anacondas named anaconda?

because they were originally from africa and they are