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Q: Who is Best Doctor For Tubal Reversal Surgery?
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How much does it cost to have a tubal reversal?

The cost is about $5400-$6900 at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center located in Chapel Hill North Carolina. Having clips is one of the best procedures to have reversed. Normally the patient is left with longer tubes and there are patients that report pregnancy weekly.

What is the medical term for an obstetrical or vaginal repair?

Salpingoplasty is the medical term meaning surgical repair of the fallopian tube. The surgical repair of a fallopian tube depends on the reason why the repair was required in the first place. If, for example, the tube was burst by a tubal pregnancy, repair may be impossible. However, reversal of a tubal ligation or other tubal sterilization may be possible, depending on the procedure performed. If ESSURE was used, reversal is completely impossible. Your best option is to get your medical records showing the type of surgery you had and consult a doctor who specializes in reversals. Such a doctor will be able to tell you whether a reversal is possible in your situation. Even if a reversal is possible, it may not be effective. After any repair or reversal of a uterine (fallopian) tube, there is the risk of scarring, which increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, the egg is fertilized by the sperm in the "ampulla" of the tube. The new human embryo then travels down the tube and into the uterus, a process that takes 5-8 days. If the tube becomes sufficiently scarred, it can prevent the embryo from passing through into the uterus, at which point it implants in the tube--a tubal or ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy spells certain death for the embryo/baby and may be fatal to the mother if left untreated. Severe pain on one side in the pelvic area should be investigated immediately. In addition to a tubal ligation or tubal reversal, other procedures and conditions which can cause such scarring include: STIs/STDs, D&C (used to complete a miscarriage or perform an abortion), and any other uterine or tubal surgery (excluding C-sections).

Can you get a tubal reversal after having them clamped?

Yes it is possible. Having clamps and then having the procedure reversed leads to excellent healthy fallopian tube lengths. This is one of the best tubal ligation methods to reverse.

Does the cost for tubal reversal include the hospital fee or is it separate?

I am pretty sure that will depend on the hospital; it's best to ask the hospital about their price policies.

Can you have a tubal reversal after a Parkland bilateral tubal ligation with 2-3 cm of tube present on the left and right side?

Hi I had a parkland bilateral tubal done in April 2006.After a long hard battle with heavy bleeding,pain that is unbearable and fatigue,I started seeing a doctor to help me with this problem as I believe it is because of my tubal,one doctor who will remain nameless told me to have a hysterectomy was not even sure as to why I was having these problems.I started seeing another doctor who immediantly ordered a diagnostic lap to be done,proving that I had endometrosis and adhesions furthermore after careful review found that the doctor who done my tubal had taken more than they should have when they tied my tubes,yesterday I found this out and I am completely depressed even more cause now I am told that my reversal is impossible to perform.....If the doctor who done yours left enough tubes to reverse then yes you can have it reversed,however you first need to get your operative report from the doctor who performed it and have a doctor discuss your options with you,In most cases when the tubes are reversed 2/3rds of women become pregnant there is a rare case where tubal pregnancies occur so I urge you to speak to a doctor and go with your gut if something don't feel right.I wish you the very best and heres hoping you don't get the same news as I did

What is the eariest age a doctor will do a tubal ligation?

I live in Australia and was 24 when I had my Tubal Ligation and i was happy at the time but after a few years, i regretted it. I had only 2 children at the time. I recently got my tubes reversed and am hoping for another baby soon. Reversal is expensive so your best off using other forms of contraception so you have the choice to change your mind later on.

What if the ob doctor won't tubal reversal and you have tubal ligation syndrome?

The only reason to this would be that chances of you going through the same symptoms/effects of tubal ligation well known by many as 'Post Tubal Litigation Syndrome' would be quite high. Am taking it you suffer these effects amongst many: Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling, chills, bouts of rapid heartbeat, irritability, mood swings, trouble sleeping through the night, irregular periods (with lots or less bleeding), loss of libido, dry or itchy vagina, crashing fatigue, anxiety and feeling ill at ease. The doctor sure knows the feeling is unbearable that chances are you wouldn't be able to handle the aftereffect of reversal very well. Best thing to do now is work on the serious effects of it before you can consider actually undergoing the whole procedure of reversal.

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Can you use invitro fertilization after a tubaligation?

Yes, you can have IVF to get pregnant after tubal ligation. However, anyone contemplating tubal ligation must consider the process to be permanent. If you are not ready to commit to a life without additional pregnancies, consider long-acting reversible forms of contraception, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) or the contraceptive implant (such as Nexplanon). These are more effective than tubal ligation, and are completely reversible.

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The best place to find a good plastic surgery doctor in London is to first seek a recommendation from your family doctor. In the alternative, you may want to try the General Medical Surgery's Medical Register.

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Talk to your family doctor, or the doctor who performed your surgery. Since they are familiar with your surgery, they can give you the best advice as to what supplements you should be taking, and how often.