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Eris is the Goddess of Strife and Discord. Since she is so horrible, she was the only goddess Not invited to Peleus and Thetis's wedding. She has an apple inscribed with:" to the fairest" She went anyway and threw her apple there in rage. 3 goddesses claimed it was theirs: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. They asked Zuess to judge who it belonged to, but he would take no part in it, so he sent them to Paris. They all had bribed him, Hera promised him to be ruler of Europe and Asia Minor. Athena promised to make him the greatest warrior. Aphrodite promised the most beautiful person in the world. Being young and foolish, Paris chose Aphrodite. The most beautiful person in the world was Helen of Sparta. She was married to Menelaus. Paris had to get Helen alone to make her his wife. When Menelaus was gone, Paris told Aphrodite to make Helen his. She did so. They ran away together. When Menelaus returned, he realized what happened and swore revenge. Thus began the Trojan War. Hope this helped you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Who is Eris and what part did she have in the Trojan War?
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Who is Eris and why is she important to the beginnings of the Trojan War?

Eris devised the golden apple contest that triggered the Trojan War in mythology. Eris had a golden apple that she says can only go to the most beautiful goddess. So Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite asked Paris to judge their beauty to see who wins the apple. Basically, Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite because she promised him that Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, will be his wife if he chose her. Aphrodite helped Paris to steal Helen away from her husband which caused the Greeks to start the Trojan War.