

Who is Galieo Galile?

Updated: 9/28/2022
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15y ago

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Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564[2] - 8 January 1642)[1][3] was a Tuscan physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution

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Q: Who is Galieo Galile?
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Where did galieo live?

Pisa, Italy

What did people believe about the solar system and how did galieo' ideas clash with this?

While not absolutely accepted by all prior to Galileo, it was believed that the known Solar System, consisting of the visible planets, the Earth, sun and moon, was a geocentric arrangement. The five planets out as far as Saturn were known and studied for centuries. It was believed that these, the sun, the moon - and all the stars - moved in perfect concentric circles centred around the Earth. This was in line with ancient belief and adopted religious doctrine that placed the Earth at the centre of creation. When Galileo turned his small telescope towards the sky - a novel idea since its practical uses were deemed to be for use at sea - he observed that Jupiter actually appeared to have four small satellites that did not follow accepted doctrine. These, he observed over time, actually revolved around Jupiter itself. This contradicted the accepted belief that Earth was the central focus of the Universe. Announcing his discoveries and proclaiming his belief in a Heliocentric - or Sun centred - Solar System brought him into direct conflict with the Church. Under the threat of torture he was forced to publicly refute his claims. This did not stop his continued private beliefs in his work and it served as support for the growing evidence in the following years that confirmed this view.

How did the Romans mistreat the Jews?

they took over their countryAnswer:Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, the two sons of the Jewish King Yannai (Johanan Hyrcanus, 1st century BCE), got the Romans involved in Judea when they asked the Romans to settle a dispute. At first the Romans were cordial; and they actually became party to a military treaty with Judea (Talmud, Avodah Zara 9a). A couple of decades later, however, they unilaterally abrogated the treaty, and placed Roman governors over the land who afflicted the Jews with crushing taxation (Talmud, Yoma 9a). In the first two centuries CE, things got worse, with the Romans destroying the Second Temple and temporarily outlawing Torah-observances, and the Jews attempting to revolt. The Romans destroyed large numbers of Jewish communities in the Holy Land, and they killed some of the leading Jewish sages.(During those times that the Romans didn't interfere with the internal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wanted to receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of their colonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that the Romans were really concerned about.)

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