

Who is Gorbechev?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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Mikhail Gorbachev is a former General "Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union". He was head of state from 1988 and until the Soviet collapse in 1991

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Q: Who is Gorbechev?
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Eastern European countries whose policies were dictated or influenced by Soviet Union?

the revolted against Gorbechev's leadership (1st) they were called satellites (my answer)

Who spoke at the Berlin Wall and told Soviet Premier Gorbechev to tear down this wall?

President Ronald Regan. President Ronald Regan.

What was Gorbechev's policy of perstorika?

Perestroika was a policy introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union in the mid-1980s. It aimed to reform the country's political and economic systems by allowing more freedom of speech, introducing elements of market economy, and decentralizing decision-making processes. However, these reforms ultimately led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

What are two effects of Reagan's policy against the Soviet Union?

Reagan increased the US national debt with many billions of dollars spent on defense. Gorbechev became the leader of the Soviet Union and sought peace with the US. The Berlin Wall was torn down ion November 9, 1989. Outspent by the US, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Who was the first premier of the Soviet Union?

Vladimir Lenin was the first leader of the Communist Party. He had been the founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party since 1903 and remained so when the Bolshevik Party officially changed its name to the Communist Party in March 1918.

What were some of Ronald Reagan's famous qoutes?

Before entering politics, Reagan was the president of the Screen Actor's Guild (SAG). As such the staunch anti-communist testified before HUAC (the House Un-american Activities Committee) on the influence of communism in the film industry:"As a citizen, I would hesitate to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology. However, if it is proven that an organization is an agent of foreign power, or in any way not a legitimate political party-and I think the government is capable of proving that-then that is another matter... But at the same time I never as a citizen want to see our country become urged, by either fear or resentment of this group, that we ever compromise with any of our democratic principles through that fear or resentment."Upon becoming a Republican, the conservative Reagan stated:"I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The party left me."About his opponent, incumbent Jimmy Carter (and anyone thereafter who criticized Reagan): "Well there he goes again."In his first inaugural address he said: "Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem."In breaking a strike of the federal air-traffic controllers, Reagan stated that if the controllers "do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated."During his re-election campaign, the 74 year old President remarked about his advanced age (compared to his opponent Walter Mondale, then 54):"I am not going to make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience"In the mid-80s he said of the Soviet Union that it "runs against the tide of history by denying human freedom and human dignity to its citizens."To Gorbechev:"General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Five Ideas for Celebrity Ghost Costumes?

Ghost costumes are probably the biggest clich known to man as far as Halloween is concerned. However, there are ways to make ghost costumes fun and exciting again. Dress as the ghost of a dead famous person. It may seem slightly macabre, but it can be a lot of fun as well.1. The Ghost of Ronald ReganWhether you are a conservative or a liberal, this is one costume certain to get a reaction out of people at a Halloween party. One thing you can do as Ghost Reagan is constantly point at walls and shout at Mr. Gorbechev to, "Tear down this wall!"2. The Ghost of Bob RossBob was famous for starring in probably several million episodes of that old "how to paint" program that aired on educational public TV channels for decades. His white guy afro look is very memorable. Also memorable was his gentle nature and the soothing hypnotic voice he spoke in as he showed us how to paint landscapes. If you dress as Ghost Bob Ross at a party, you can entertain others as you show them how to paint "little happy trees."3. The Ghost of Michael JacksonWhile Michael has left this worldly plane, his reputation as the King of Pop is certain to last forever. As Michel Jackson's ghost you can constantly grab your crotch, do the moon walk, and talk in a spooky version of that high pitched childlike voice. You also have the option to go as Zombie "Thriller" Michael Jackson as well.4. The Ghost of Amy WinehouseWhile it may seem a little too soon after her untimely death, this is one way to create a controversial buzz at a Halloween party. Just mimic her strung out, dirty look and try to mumble the lyrics to "Rehab" incoherently as her ghost.5. The Ghost of Evil Abraham LincolnWhile doing Lincoln's ghost may seem kind of obvious, no one will expect an evil ghost of Abraham Lincoln. Just carry around a big ax and make constant comments in a creepy voice about how this house divided against itself cannot stand.

What were the causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union?

(Here are some of the suggested factors:)The Soviet Union's war in Afghanistan badly overstretched their military and demoralized their military.The Soviet Union's economy was very inefficient. In trying to keep up with the West in the Cold War arms race, the Soviets spent themselves into the ground. They ran billions of rubles in annual deficits over several decades. Mikhail Gorbachev and his advisers had to implement broad economic reforms, towards capitalism, to try to prevent total economic breakdown.In a parallel to the French Revolution, Gorbachev's attempted to reform gradually and only partially; it spiraled out of his control into a general collapse of the old Soviet system of government. In contrast to the French Revolution, Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were able to control the collapse process well enough to prevent complete anarchy and economic chaos.Four reasons and a Theory:Socialism failed economically - Economic Stagnation occurred, there were years without a reformOutside opposition (Capitalist countries) and Nationalism within the republicsCompetition with the West- They wanted equality with USA, but had no moneyParty officials were killed for personal gain, weakening the partyConspiracy theory - There are rumors that Gorbachev knew he would bring down the system.US InfluenceThe United States of America manipulated the USSR economic system through sabotage and other negative activities towards the state and its economy, creating cracks which resulted into USSR breaking apart.Loss of Satellite EconomiesGrowing dissatisfaction among the countries of Eastern Europe (and the fall of puppet regimes) meant that the USSR could not exploit those resources to prop up the union. This led to the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact beginning in 1989. The central government was then increasingly pressured by nationalist movements in the Ukraine, Caucasus, Georgia and outlying Asian states.After the Berlin Wall was knocked down in 1989, this reunified Germany as one, but also started a revolution in USSR (Soviet Union). In 1991, Gorbechev was forced to give up his power after a coup (overthrow of the government), which was the official collapse of the Soviet Union, which became known as Russia.Too Much Spending On The Military -Apex :P

Which person was not one of the authors of the federalist papers?

The fedralist papers swayed many people to the fedralist cause, this is due to the excellent writing done by the cogent and superflous authors. Among these were not: George Cloony Donald Trump Kim Kardashian Sara Palin Flava Flav Mike Tyson Mike deGrass Tyson Saddam Hussein Osama BinLaden Steve Jobs The Rock Slyvester Stylone John Lenon Ringo Star Paul McCartney Adolf Hitler Alfresco Scott Hampton P. Lawrence the Chivalrous Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, Marquis of Dalí de Púbol Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Gorbechev Kruschev FDR LBJ JFK BFK MLK Theadore Roosevelt Ulysseus S. Grant Thor Freya Loki Odysseus Calypso Captain Jack Sparrow Black Beard Jimmy the Kid The Don Albus Dumbledore Voldemort Edward Scissor Hands Rango The Mad Hatter Willie Wonka Glen Lantz Jack Marshall Specialist Gator Lerner Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker Gilbert Grape Sam Axel Blackmar Edward D. Wood, Jr Gene Watson Don Juan/John R. DeMarco Donnie Brasco/Joseph D. Pistone Raphael Raoul Duke William Blake Ichabod Crane Spencer Armacost Dean Corso Roux Lt. Victor Bon Bon Fredrick Abberline Cesar George Jung Sheldon Sands L'inconnu J.M. Barrie Mort Rainey John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester Victor Van Dort Sweeny Todd John Dillinger Frank Tupelo Tony Alexander Pearce Paul Kemp Barnabas Collins Tonto Johnny Depp Bob Barker Drew Carry William Adama Jim Carry Rebbaca Black Michal Jackson The rest of the Jackson Five Lady Gaga Ke$ha Justin Bieber he dead Jason Swango Robert Olesen Kyle Sprague Dylan Wright Kyle Wilson and the rest of the Freedom Brigade