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Roderigo was in love with Desdemona, who married Othello instead.

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Q: Who is Roderigo in the story Othello?
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Which characters die in Othello?

Desdemona, Othello, Emilia and Roderigo.

Who kills roderigo in shakespeares Othello?

During the brawl, Iago kills Roderigo.

How does cassio die in Othello?

Rodrigo is stabbed by cassio and killed. Bianca does not die.

Who kills who in the play Othello?

Othello kills Desdemona. Iago kills Roderigo and Emilia.

What reason does roderigo give for hating Othello?

He says that Othello placed Cassio as his lieutenant instead of him.

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What reason does iago give roderigo for hating Othello?

He says that Othello placed Cassio as his lieutenant instead of him.

Why is Roderigo upset in act 1 Othello?

roderigo is jealous of othello because desdemona has chosen othello asher suiter despite the overwhelming offers roderigo has made and the racial difference in othello, which at that time would be considered taboo. so desdemona would rather go against society with othello than be with roderigo.

Who is brabantio and why does iago and roderigo awaken him in the middle of the night?

Brabantio is Desdemona's father. Iago and Roderigo wake him to tell him that Desdemona is running off with Othello. Using filthy and racist language, Iago hopes to anger Brabantio against Othello, which he does.

Why did iago leave roderigo at brabantio house?

Iago leaves Roderigo at Brabantio house because he was to appear a faithful friend to Othello, and it would not be good of him to be seen informing of his actions