

Best Answer

1.) Mitt Romney is the 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate in the United States. He also ran in the 2008 election. You can learn more about him at the "Related Links" below.

2.) Mitt Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) and has been an actively practicing member of this church his entire life. He is not the first Mormon to run for president. Here are some other Mormons who have entered the Presidential race in the United States:

-Jon Huntsman (2012, Republican)

-George Romney (1964, Republican) [Mitt Romney's dad]

-Joseph Smith (1844, Independent) [founder of the Mormon Church]

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Q: Who is Romney is he the first mormon to run for presidetent of the US?
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Is mitt Romney the first Mormon to run for president?

No, the first Mormon to run for president was Joseph Smith, during the 1844 election. Mitt Romney's father, George, ran for president in the 1968 election, Mitt Romney ran in 2008 and 2012, and another Mormon, Jon Huntsman, also ran for president in 2012. Mitt Romney is the first Mormon to be chosen as a major party candidate.

Is there a person that ran for president that was from Utah?

The first Mormon to run for president was Joseph Smith, during the 1844 election. Mitt Romney's father, George, ran for president in the 1968 election, Mitt Romney ran in 2008 and 2012, and another Mormon, Jon Huntsman, also ran for president in 2012. Mitt Romney is the first Mormon to be chosen as a major party candidate.I don't believe any have. There has been other Christians that ran for president such as Abraham Lincoin, George Washington, George Bush, and Ronald Regan.

Will the Mormon church run the US through Mitt Romney when God puts him in charge?

No, LDS or "mormons" have there own Prophet living today who gives council and guidance to the members.

Will Mitt Romney run for President in 2016?

No. His aides have announced that Mitt Romney will not run for president for the third time in 2016.

Did you know the Mormon church has offered their vast wealth to Mitt Romney to run for President again so they can gain access to the knowledge only the President has access to?

No, I did not know that, and neither do you, because it's nonsense.

Why Arnold Schwarzenegger could not run for president but george Romney could?

Romney's parents were American citizens, Schwarzenegger's were not.

Will romney run in 2016?

He has not said if he would, but he probably will not.

Who did Oboma run against in 2012?

mitt romney

Does Mitt Romney play sports?

Mitt Romney says that he is not particularly athletic but he did run Cross Country Track in High School.

Was Mitt Romney paid to run the Salt Lake City Olympics?


How many Mormons will now seriously doubt that the Mormon religion is true when Romney loses the election since they claim to be in Gods favor but apparently not so their church is fake not true?

The question makes statements about the Mormon Church but asks a question that is impossible to answer.The outcome of an election, based on a popular vote is not a good reason to question a religion, whether it be Mormon, Christian or any other. In any election, all but one will be unsuccessful. There are many examples of several Christian candidates competing for a single office. The fact that a Christian does not win an election does not cause a rethink of the religion any more than Mitt Romney's loss at the 2012 presidential election should cause a rethink of the Mormon religion.However the Mormon Church will react to the outcome is a matter for the church and not for others to debate.-Another Answer-Mitt Romney is a humble, God fearing man that made a decision on his own to run for president of the United Sates. For Romney, it was not about him. It was about what he could do for his country. He felt that his experience would serve the people. Romney was not predestined or foreordained from God to run. He received no vision. It was simply a decision.Jesus was in God's favor when He was on the earth, but he still was crucified and hung on a cross. Does that make his message fake or not true? Moses failed to lead his people into the promised land for 40 years. Was Moses a false prophet? Was Job not loved of God because of the trials he had to endure? All things happen in God's time and in His way.

What does the biography of Mitt Romney look like?

Mitt Romney was born on March 12,1947 in Detroit,Michigan.In 1969,Romney got married.In 2002,Romney was elected governor of Massachusetts.In 2012,the Republican party chose Romney to run for president.Chairperson Paul Ryan of Wisconsin was selected as Romneys running mate.In November,Romney lost the election to democrat Barack Obama.