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Q: Who is a modern Machiavellian politician?
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How do you use Machiavellian in a sentence?

A politician who uses the 'dark arts'might be described as machiavellian: someone who is adept at subterfuge & deception, someone who says not exactly what he means, someone who deceives.

How is bill gates a machiavellian leader?

Bill Gates a Machiavellian leader due to the various contributions that he has made in the world of technology. He is regarded as a brilliant Machiavellian leader who offers modern leadership.

Why do you say Machiavellian villain is there any Machiavellian who is not evil?

no there isn't

Was Franklin D. Roosevelt a Machiavellian leader?

While Franklin D. Roosevelt was a skilled politician and an influential leader, it is not accurate to label him as strictly Machiavellian. While he employed certain Machiavellian tactics, such as using deception when necessary, his leadership was rooted in democratic principles and a genuine concern for the welfare of the American people. He sought to create positive change and implemented policies to address the challenges of the Great Depression and World War II.

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Was HItler a Machiavellian leader?


Was Henry VIII more of an Renaissance man or machiavellian?

machiavellian because he always favoued himself and many people were scared of him

A cunning or evil person is a?

deceitful and manipulative individual who seeks to harm others for personal gain or pleasure.

What is a word for Excessively harsh?


What is Machiavellian Theory?

"the end justifies the means"

What is machiavellian principle?

"the end justifies the means"

What are examples of machiavellian tactics?

Machiavellian tactics are more like life principles. For example, be bold, avoid yes-men, user your own judgment, and be aware of ambitious people. Machiavellian tactics involve secrecy and strength to achieve power and political advantages.