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The person who cuts across parking spots, it's illegal. If the parking lot is private property the damage caused in an accident is a civil matter not a legal one in most cases. Traffic laws do not extend to private property.

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18y ago
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17y ago

In most situations, it would be the car who was driving through. However, the insinuation here is that you are in a parking lot on private proprety, in which case in most states it would be a no-fault accident, in which case both drivers would be responsible for their own damages.

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16y ago

If the lanes are clearly marked and you were driving ''forward'' then most if not all of the liability should be placed on them. Not enough details to help with a clear answer.

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18y ago

The person turning right is At Fault - although sometimes parking lot accidents are automatically deemed a 50/50 fault. Witnesses are useful as well as surveillance to prove your case.

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16y ago

The driver of the moving vehicle is at fault. The parked vehicle may have been parked illegally, but it didn't hit anything.

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Q: Who's at fault when someone hits you in a parking lot where someone was driving the wrong direction?
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Yours. If it was stationary and you hit it then it was your fault.

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The person driving in a forward direction has the right of way. If you are backing up, you must wait until traffic is clear before moving. Similar to a rear-ender, when the person hitting someone in front of them is always at fault.

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The one in reverse is most probably at fault here!

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Well if you were backing in and hit someone then it is your fault. But if they hit you, then it is their fault.

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I believe it could be both persons fault. If you're driving and someone decides to jump in front of your car it's not you fault. If you're driving and aren't being careful or just can't stop in time, than it's your fault. -Bobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

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If my memory serves me correctly, it would be the fault of the driver who was in reverse if that driver struck the other car mostly on its broad side. After all, the driver who is pulling out of a parking lot has the right-of-way as opposed to someone in a parking spot. As far as an insurance claim goes the drivers would have to have insurance, and the driver who was struck would want to make sure they were driving within the bounds of the law (such as observing posted speed limits, stop signs, direction arrows,etc.).Hope this helps.

Who's at fault in a car accident when you're backing into your parking space and he's driving forward. your left hand side back bumper hits his right hand side front bumper?

If he was driving forward past his intended parking space to take yours, then he is at fault. Cutting across is not permitted in parking lots although many people do it anyway.

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