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If a car hits a stopped car and sets that car into motion and it hits another car, the first car is responsible for both cars. A stopped car is not responsible when someone sets it into motion and it hits another car.

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Q: Who is at fault in a 3 car accident when uninsured car 1 hits stopped car 2 then car 2 hit stopped car 3?
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Who is at fault if a person hits your parked uninsured car?

They are.

What should you do if an uninsured motorist hits your car and it is their fault?

That's what Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage is for. You have that on your insurance policy. I have been in this situation. The first thing you do is talk to your insurance company. Tell them about the accident and how it is their fault. It is better if you provide proof like police report or written statements, but if not, it depends on how your insurance company rules it. From there, your insurance company should tell you what your options are. Most likely, they would go after the uninsured motorist and make them pay. You don't even need to deal with the uninsured motorist.

What actions can someone take if an uninsured driver hits them on the road?

If you are hit by an Uninsured Driver you should take the following actions- Contact the police, get information from and on any witnesses that saw the accident and get photographs of the vehicles and the accident scene. Another important step to take beforehand of the accident is to make sure you have Uninsured Motorist Insurance on your Car Policy.

If an insured truck driver from another state hits an uninsured motorist will the insured truck driver's insurance pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Only if the truck driver was at fault.

What happens when a person hits your uninsured parked car in front of your home they have full coverage?

if it there fault there insurance pays

Who is in fault if a uninsured car slides down a slope and hits a car parked illeagally?

The fact that the car is parked illegally or not has no bearing on who is at fault. The car that slid down the slope is at fault.

Who is at fault if one vehicle gets into an accident and is in the middle of the road and another hits it?

There are some very rare exceptions, but in general a stationary object cannot be "at fault" in an accident.

If a tire comes off and hits another car who pays?

You do. Your are at fault in the accident.

Are you at fault if your car rolls and hits stationary car?

Yes - in UK law you would be considered at fault for such an accident. Please see the link below to see how to determine fault generally in a road traffic accident.

Who is at fault when a car hits you and you go into the car in front?

the car that hit you in the rear is at fault. think about it this way. What did you do wrong if you were stopped

Who is at fault when a driver slides on ice and hits a car stopped at a light?

The driver that slid on the ice of course, because although it was an accident, the driver at the stoplight was doing nothing wrong, while the one on ice slid into him/her.

Who is responsible when a driver with a suspended license in a borrowed insured car hits an uninsured motorist?

If the driver with the suspended license caused the accident then he/she is responsible.