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Q: Who is being affected by environment degradation?
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Definition of land degradation?

Land degradation is a process in which the value of the bio physical environment is affected by one or more combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land.

The physical environment in China is .?

in a state of degradation

What are the steps to prevent environmental degradation?

There are a number of steps to prevent environmental degradation. This should start with avoiding any form of pollution to the environment and adopting green living so as to conserve the environment.

How does the pH of a substance affect our environment?

The pH of a substance thrown in the environment can lead to a degradation of soils and waters.

How do you check environmental degradation?

Environmental degradation is when the natural environment is compromised in one way or another. To check for this, look for pollution or depletion of resources.

How has technetium affected environment?

Being radioactive technetium is a pollutant, especially for sea/ocean waters.

How human affected the ecosystem?

he affected by throwing all junk and wastes everywhere which causes pollution:the main source of the degradation of the ecosystem.

How does herbicises and pesticides affects the environment?

Herbicides and pesticides affects the environment by helping the food yield from being affected by bugs. On the other hand, they adversely affect the environment and our health.

Reasons why human beings should be concerned about environmental degradation?

The Earth is only one, everything shall from one to two to ....f.) Signal of nature is affected by human being behavior.

How many people in Paris are affected by their environment?

All people on earth are affected by their environment.

Which group of countries has made the largest environment degradation and pollution in the last century?

Developed Countries

How have Russians positively affected the environment?

there was lords who controoled them