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Q: Who is considered the father of states rights?
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What rights does the father have to your unborn child in Minnesota?

In the United States the father has no rights until the child is born.

What rights does a father have to an unborn child in Europe?

In England and Wales, a foetus is considered to be a part of the womans body, so a father has no rights over it.

What should an unwed couple breaking up do when an unborn child is involved?

The law in all U.S. states presumes an unwed mother retains sole custody of the child until the father is granted custodial rights. In most states the father will be required to establish paternity before custodial rights or child support will be considered by the court.

In Florida can the father sign over rights to a child to avoid paying child support?

That is the case in most states, once you sign over the rights to a child, you are no longer considered the guardian and have no legal or financial obligations to that child.

Does a father who name is on the birth certificate have the same rights as the mother if they do not live together?

A father has parental rights regardless of marital status most states.

Who has the rights if a woman is legally separated - but not divorced - and has a child with someone else?

It's unclear as to whose "rights" and what "rights" you are asking about. CAUTION: In some (all?) states, for purposes of child support and visitation, the HUSBAND is considered (by law) to be the father of the child even if he did not conceive the child. Proceed very cautiously in this area!

Laws in Kentucky for rights of a father of an unborn child?

In the United States, fathers have no rights regarding unborn children. In Kentucky, a father won't have rights to a child unless he's on the birth certificate or until he establishes paternity in court.

How do you sign your rights over to the father of your unborn baby?

In all 50 states, you have to wait for the child to be born before you can forfeit your rights to a child.

Why is Cesar chaves considered a hero in Mexico?

He isn't. He is considered a champion for the Mexican-American civil rights WITHIN the United States.

What parental rights does an illegal alien have to a child when he does not have a green card and is not married to child's mother and she is us citizen?

Is he on the birth certificate? If he is he will be considered the legal father in most states. He could then go to court seek paternity rights. If no one mentions the issue of his immigration status it may not affect the court's decision. But if the mother is bringing it up the father could be arrested and deported.

Why did the southern states seceds?

because we no longer wanted to be part of the union, where the southern states were not considered soverign and the union states did not believe in states' rights like the south did

Why did Southern States seced?

because we no longer wanted to be part of the union, where the southern states were not considered soverign and the union states did not believe in states' rights like the south did