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Those under the age of 14 are excused from abstinence. Those who are under the age of majority (typically 18) and over the age of 59 are excused from fasting IF they are physically incapable of it. No one, however, is excused from the moral obligations of which these are a bare minimum.

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Q: Who is excused from fasting and abstinence?
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Why does th church require certain days of fasting and abstinence?

so we know what does are fasting

What is fasting and abstinence during Lent and what are the rules governing it?

Fasting is eating only three meals with no snacks or eating in between meals and the two lesser meals combined should not be greater than the biggest meal. Abstinence means no meat. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Fasting is recommended but not required on other days of Lent. Rules apply to those between ages 18 and 60 for fasting and 14 until death for abstinence unless medical reasons contraindicate.

Which days in a week?

From Sunday to Saturday which of these days are specified by Catholic practices for fasting and abstinence

What is abstinence as it relates to lent?

Abstinence means not having meat for 40 days during lent or atleast on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. These are the days of fasting and penance.

Can the Catholic Religion eat what they want?

Catholics have days set aside for fasting and abstinence but have no food prohibitions.

Can you take sleeping pills while fasting?

No..cuz you drink water with the pill..nd ur fast will be excused by allah..

Can you eat meat on Wednesday for Lent?

Yes. During lent Fridays are days of abstinence (no meat) and ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence.

What are the rules governing abstinence?

The rules that govern abstinence in the Catholic church also govern fasting. These rules are called the Code of Canon Law for Roman Catholic churches and the Code of Canons of Oriental Churches for Eastern Catholic churches.

Can Catholics eat meat on Christmas?

Yes.In early times Christmas Eve (before the Vigil Mass) is a day of fasting and abstinence. The 1983 Code of Canon Law eliminated this fast altogether, but traditional Catholics still keep the fast, eating seafood and avoiding meat.However, the Catholic Church does not recognize Christmas or Christmas Eve as a day of fasting or abstinence.

How do you define fasting?

It means to abstain from all food, or from certain types of food, for a certain period of time, often for religious reasons.

What did Zwingli preach against?

He preached against laws of fasting and abstinence and declared priestly celibacy to be nonbiblical, he also made attacks against superstition and the unjust use of power.

What are the types of sexual abstinence?

The most common meaning of abstinence is that a person keeps him- or herself from having sexual activities. This is done as a form of birth control or for a form of pleasure. Other types are the fasting (less/no intake of food), abstaining from alcohol (various reasons such as religion or own beliefs) and smoking.