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Q: Who is focused on single party not entire nation?
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What is a minor party that is focused on solving one problem in America life?

An example of a minor party focused on solving one problem in American life is the Green Party, which is dedicated to addressing environmental issues. They advocate for policies aimed at combatting climate change and promoting sustainability in all aspects of life.

what is an issue based third party?

A political party focused on a single issue, which does not align with one of the major political parties in its nation. The Green Party is an example in the United States. Their focus is on environmental issues to the exclusion of all else, and they are not aligned with one of the major political parties. An example from the United Kingdom is the SNP or Scottish National Party, whose single issue is removing Scotland from the UK.

What kind of party is focused on the environment?

There are times when a new party is formed because of a specific concern such as the environment. A single-issue party is formed under these circumstances.

What is a micro political party?

they are usually represented by one or two elected representatives and are focused upon a single issue (e.g. the shooters party) :)

Which type of government consists of a single self-appointed ruler who holds political control over an entire party?

A leader in any nation with a self appointed ruler usually does not allow any political party than his or her own party to exist. This is usually called a dictatorship or a totalitarian government.

A minor party focused party that's focused on solving a problem?

Is usually called an issue party.

Nation in which a single party controls the government and all aspects of peoples lives?


What federalists and federalists are argued primaily over which issue?

This government would have control over the entire nation. The supporters of the antifederalist party insisted on rule by local, or state, governments.

The chief of state in parliamentary democracies serves as .?

a unifying symbol, representing the entire nation. :)

National party conventions have become less focused on actually choosing the nominee and more focused on?

Gaining interest in the party's message.

When was Nation Party of Iran created?

Nation Party of Iran was created in 1951.

When was Party of the Nation's Retirees created?

Party of the Nation's Retirees was created in 1995.