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Per Islam teachings, Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) is the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

Qur'an; Muslims holy book; says: { Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, (1) Allah, the Eternal Refuge. (2) He neither begets nor is born, (3) Nor is there to Him any equivalent." (4)} (112:1-4).

Per Islam teachings, no Trinity in Islam. Qur'an says:

{They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.} (5:73).

Accordingly, there is nothing in Islam called God father.

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13y ago

God does not have parents, he always existed!

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15y ago

God does not have a father. He has a son, though, Jesus Christ. But The Bible says that God has no begining, and no end.

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archana verma

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4y ago

He doesn’t have a father he is the father everything

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