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Spinosaurus is estimated to have been 49 feet long and weigh 4.4 to 10 tons or more. Megalodon was at least 50 feet long and thus would have weighed over 53 tons. Thus, Megalodon was much heavier than Spinosaurus but was only slightly longer.

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Q: Who is larger megalodon or spinosaurus?
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Is a spinosaurus bigger than a baryonyx?

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Megalodon, they were larger,heavier, and stronger bite force.

What was the biggest dinosaur predator?

This answer is literally impossible. it is based on opinions. mine is Utahraptor. my friend's is Tyrannosaurus.

Was Spinosaurus the biggest dinosaur?

No. Spinosaurus was the largest known carnivorous dinosaur, but some of the herbivores, particularly the sauropods, where much larger.

What was the diet for a megalodon?

The Megalodon was thought to hunt the larger of the Marine Mammals; including whales, giant sea turtles, and other sharks.

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Was Jurassic Park 3 correct about Spinosaurs winning?

It is true that Spinosaurus was larger Tyrannosaurus. However, there is no possible way paleontologists could know which would win in a fight. The fact that Spinosaurus was larger would presumably give it an advantage, but it's all conjecture.

What was bigger the megalodon shark or a dinosaur?

It depends as dinosaurs came in a wide range of sizes. While we often thing of dinosaurs as huge most were actually small. Anchiornis, a dinosaur of the Late Jurassic, was about the size of a dove.BY this measure, megalodon was larger than most dinosaurs, but not all. Some sauropod dinosaurs would have been larger than megalodon.

What is bigger a spinosaurus or a t-rex?

Spinosaurus was larger, but the Tyrannosaurus is much stronger.

What is larger spinosaurus or gianotosaurus?

Estimates place Spinosaurus at 49 feet long and weighing at least 4.4 to 10 tons. Giganotosaurus was 43 feet long and probably weighed between 6.5 and 13.8 tons. Thus, Spinosaurus was definitely longer, but either may have been heavier.

Was the Megalodon larger than a giant squid?

Yes it is because it has been the biggest predator shark that has been ever seen!

Is the tylosaurus bigger than a megalodon?

While Megalodon did indeed range up to 51 ft, the largest species of Liopleurodon, Ferox, would have ranged closer to 21 ft.As a wonderful source for the why's and how's surrounding the exaggeration of Liopleurodon's size, visit the site in the related links below.