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Man is one of few species which kill for fun. Chimpanzee will sometimes raid another group's territory and massacre (but technically, they are battling for territory). Chimps have been known to walk up to a nursing mother chimp and grab her baby, kill it and share the meat with the others (except Mom...guess that's a plus).

Female lions avoid mating when they have young cubs, so when a male lion wants to get his freak on, he'll walk over and kill the cubs then get it on with Mom moments later - yeesh O_o

Bottle-nose Dolphin are known to punch the stomachs of porpoise repeatedly until their internal organs bleed out. The attacks are senseless and not for any purpose other than fun.

The common house cat will regularly nab a bird, mouse, rat, gopher, or young rabbit and toss them around for hours as they slowly die, yet not so much as take a nibble. Just toying with them until they are eventually dead and too boring to play with.

I think what makes MAN the most cruel species is we have the sense to KNOW BETTER and BE BETTER, yet we are still (as a whole) a violent and treacherous species of animal.

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MAN. Hands down!

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Q: Who is more cruel man or animal?
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