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God is older then Jesus. God has been and always ail be but Jesus was born as a baby, grew up, and died and is now in heaven with God. Of course there is a complicated side to it which is the trinity. (the father, God, the son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) The Trinity is that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one, but also not the same. It is one of the many complicated parts of God that we don't have the ability to understand. So nobody will know the answers until we are in heaven with God. This is just what I believe. I hope this helps.

The Bible View:

The Almighty God is older then his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Why do I say that? Because the Bible teaches that Jesus lived in the heavens before he came to the earth. By looking up the book of Micah, in the Bible, it prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem nd also it said that His origin was "from early times." (Micah 5:2)

On many occasions, Jesus himself said that he lived in heaven before being born as a human. (Look at: John 3:13; 6:38,62; 17:4,5) So as a spirit creature in heaven, Jesus had a special relationship with Jehovah God.

Now, Jesus is Jehovah's most precious Son and for a good reason. He is called "the firstborn of all creation," for he was God's first creation. (Colossians 1:15) Ok, there is something else that makes this Son so special. He is the "only-begotten Son." (John 3:16) You see, this means that Jesus is the only one directly created by God. And Jesus is also the only one whom God used when He created all other things. (Colossians 1:16) Then too, Jesus is called "the Word." (John 1:14) This tells us all that he spoke for God, no doubt delivering messages and instructions to the Father's other sons both spirit and human.

But now does this mean that the firstborn Son is equal to God, as some believe? That is not what the Bible teaches. As we noted in the preceding paragraph, the Son was created. Obviously, then he had a beginning, whereas Jehovah God has no beginning or end. (Psalm 90:2) The only-begotten Son never even considered trying to be equal to his Father. The Bible clearly teaches that the Father is greater than the Son. (John 14:28; 1Corinthians 11:3) And Jehovah alone is "God Almighty." (Genesis 17:1) Therefore, he has no equal at all!

So the reality is that Jehovah and his firstborn Son enjoyed close association for billions of years, which long before the starry heavens and the the earth were created. How they must of loved each other! (John 3:35; 14:31) Yes this dear Son was just like his Father. That is why the Bible refers to the Son as "the image of the invisible God." (Colossians 1:15) You see, it is just as a human son may closely resemble his father in various ways, this heavenly Son reflected his Father's qualities and personality.

So in summary, Jehovah's only-begotten Son willingly left heaven and came down to earth to live as a human. But it was Jehovah God who sent him to the earth., which he performed a miracle Yes he transferred the life of his firstborn Son from heaven to the womb of a Jewish virgin named Mary. (Luke1:30-35) But as always, Jehovah remains in his spiritual realm, the heavens. And will continue to live there ruling the heavens, and he is from everlasting to everlasting and forever, meaning he never had a beginning or never will have an end.

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9y ago

According to most Christian religions, "God" is infinite, no beginning and no end. But Jesus and God are equal; God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a "Trinity"; so Jesus is also infinite. The only difference is, Jesus came to us "in the flesh", born about 3 B.C. (after his birth it becomes year 1 A.D.) However, in being "born", living, and dying on the cross, Jesus did NOT lose his infinity. So to answer your question, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are each/all Infinite, World Without End, Ageless, Timeless, etc.

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8y ago

If you ask a theist they get all bent out of shape with this question stating that their man has been around since the beginning of time. However going with historical evidence, or at least references in their stories, Buddha was dated back to around 600 BCE, Jesus to about 1CE and Mohammed to around 500 CE.

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14y ago

I assume that the question is about who is older in prophecy.The answer is prophet Muhammad prophecy by God revelation of Quran to him was after Jesus prophecy with about 6 centuries.

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7y ago

The Buddha lived 2,500 years ago.

Our Lord Jesus Lived 2,000 years ago.

Muhammad lived in the 7'Th Century AD.

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