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The prosecution is responsible for presenting evidence before the jury in a criminal trial, while in a civil trial, both the plaintiff and the defendant may present evidence.

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Q: Who is responsible for bringing evidence before the jury?
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Who is responsible for returning a bill of indictment?

That would be a grand jury. The prosecutor presents the evidence and they will authorize the case.

What is a juror who has not made a decision before hearing the evidence called?

Impartial Jury

What does it take for grand jury to convict some one for the death penalty?

The grand jury does not convict anyone of anything. The grand jury hears the evidence presented by the prosecutor. If the grand jury thinks the prosecutor has adequate evidence, then the grand jury indicts that person. A trial will then be held before a petite jury, or small jury. It is that jury that determines if someone will get the death penalty.

What type of evidence is brought into court and seen by the jury as opposed to evidence that is described for the jury?

Direct Evidence

Can grand gury determine whether defendant in criminal case is guilty?

No, a grand jury does not determine guilt or innocence. Its role is to decide whether there is enough evidence to indict someone and proceed to trial. The trial jury is responsible for determining guilt or innocence based on the evidence presented during the trial.

Which type of jury only reviews evidence?

Grand Jury.

What are the two types of juries in the federal court system?

Grand juries and Petit juries are the two kinds of juries. Grand juries review evidence of criminal action to determine if there is probable cause for bringing charges and if so, issue an indictment. Petit juries review evidence in both civil and criminal trials to determine the facts and render verdicts either for or against the parties in civil actions or guilty or not guilty in criminal actions.

What does Public Grand Jury Indict filed mean?

First, a grand jury, as is the case of any other types of jury, is a jury assembled of people from the general public. This is what makes a jury public. Indict means for a grand jury to decide that there is enough evidence to bring an accused before the court to answer the charges.

Is it possible that different conclusion can be inferred from the same evidence?

Yes. The evidence is presented in a courtroom. The jury hears it. The prosecutor presents his conclusion to the jury. The defense attorney presents his conclusion to the jury. The judge gives instructions to the jury. The jury goes to the jury room. The jury returns with the verdict. The term verdict is a fancy term for conclusion. Both sides heard the same evidence. The prosecutor presented evidence. The defense attorney presented evidence. In some cases there is a hung jury. That means one or more jurors heard the evidence and disagreed with the others and would not change his or her mind.

What may happen if a case reaches court?

If a case reaches court, both sides present their story (or their 'evidence') before a judge or a jury. The outcome is then decided by the judge or jury.

Who determines the significance of physical evidence in trial?

The judge is responsible for determining the significance of physical evidence in a trial. They assess whether the evidence is relevant, reliable, and admissible. The judge considers arguments from both parties, weighs the probative value of the evidence against its prejudicial effect, and ultimately decides if the evidence can be presented to the jury and how much weight it should be given.

What is meant by exclusionary rule?

If any evidence is acquired without a proper warrant for search and seizure, the evidence must be thrown out before court and the jury cannot use the evidence against the accused in a court case.