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Is a neighbour responsible for clearing away large parts of their tree that have fallen on our property during a storm

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Q: Who is responsible for cleanup of a tree that fell in a storm?
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Who is responsible for tree removal if our neighbor's tree fell over from a wind storm but got hung up in our trees and is not on the ground?

Nobody is liable for an act of nature. You are responsible for the portion of the tree that fell on your property. Your neighbor is responsible for the portion of the tree on the neighbors property.

Who is responsible for the clean up of a tree that fell in the yard the renter or tenant?

The people who actually own the house should be responsible for the cleanup of the tree as long as the tenants had nothing to do with it falling down. Sometimes a landlord will reduce a tenants rent if they handle things that are the landlords responsibility.

Who is resposible when tree falls and pulls down neighbors electrical wiring and damages house?

The neighbor is responsible for his own property. If your tree fell on his house, he is responsible for the damage. That is how homeowners insurance works. * No one is "legally" responsible if it was a result of a natural occurrance. The neighbor whose tree fell and damaged the other person's property cannot be held accountable for a situation that was not in his or her control. If the tree fell as a result of a storm, the person whose property was damaged should claim it on their homeowner's insurance is possible. If it fell and damaged property due to it being trimmed or removed, the liability lies with the person who was taking the action. It would be a nice gesture if the neighbor who owned the tree agreed to share the damage cost, but in the majority of cases he or she cannot be held legally liable.

The neighbors tree fell into your yard from the weight of an ice storm and there was no damage other then some holes in your yard so you want to know whose responsibility is it for tree cleanup.?

The portion of the tree that falls on your property is your responsibility. You can also trim a tree which hangs over your property line but not to the detriment of the tree's health. It is always best if neighbors share in the responsibility of maintaining a tree which covers two properties, but that obviously is not always possible.

What is fell over?

Fell over means that I tripped or stumbled and landed face down on the floor. The tree fell over sometime during last night's storm.

What might happen to a tree if it fell into a river during a storm?

The tree would most likely float down the river as it is way to heavy to sink.

If you have notified your neighbor of the possibility of a tall tree falling who is responsible if it falls during a storm?

Depends who owns it.

Who is responsible for damage to your car if a tree falls on the car during an ice storm and you are leasing the house?

your mother

Who is responsible for a healthy tree damaged in hurricane?

No one is responsible or liable for an act of nature. It's up to the owner of the property is he wants to replace a storm damaged tree. The tree is not a covered structure under a homeowner insurance policy.

If a neighbor's tree falls on my house who is responsible?

If the tree was not dead already and clearly so then your insurance would pay for the damage to your house. A storm that causes the tree to fall is considered an "act of God" and the neighbor is therefore not responsible for the incident.

Who is responsible to remove a tree that fell into my yard when the property it fell from is a foreclosure?

Each property owner or your insurers will be responsible for removing that portion of the tree that is on their own property. A property owner nor their Insurer is liable to another for acts of nature unless it can be proven that they were negligent in some way.

What does catastrophe wind storm coverage for homeowners insurance mean My tree fell on neighbors house about 60mph winds is that considered catastrophe windstorm coverage?

You are not responsible nor liable for Acts of Nature. The windstorm coverage on your policy covers your home, not the neighbors. Your neighbors Homeowners Insurance Policy will cover his damages as stated in the terms of his Policy. It's no different than if his own tree fell on his house.