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In general, the mother contributes an (X) chromosome and the father can contribute either and (X) OR (Y). Therefore, X/X = GIRL and X/Y = BOY. So, the father is ultimately controlling the gender of a baby.

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Q: Who is responsible for sex of human baby?
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What does an x and y chromosome identify?

In the cytological terminology x and y chromosomes are identified as sex chromosomes. In human being these chromosomes are responsible for determination of sex in the offspring.

What happens when female human sex cells and male human sex cells combine?

It becomes a baby. They go through something called mitosis where the cell gets copied in to two. Then it continues the process and basically make a organ and different organs make up baby !

Can A Pregnant Woman's Diet Affect Baby's Sex?

a diet can not effect the baby sex. once your pregnant the baby sex is already there

How many sex chromosomes does your mother give to a normal baby........and father?

The mother and father both give a normal baby 23 chromosomes. This is because, a normal human has 46 chromosomes in all cells, except sex cells. So, a human receives half from the mother and half from the father thus 23 from each.

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How are human enjoy sex?

Humans enjoy sex because it fills the empity ness in side them and they really like someone and sex is the most amazing awsome way to show them.Another reason is they could want a baby or they like the feel of sex