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I'm no lawyer but...

The vandals.

Assuming they aren't held responsible, unless there is some reason to hold the owner responsible then it is the vehicle's owner who bears the loss, turning to their auto insurance to pay, if they choose.

An example of how the owner might be held liable: if the car park had a security gate when the tenant moved in, the gate broke down and the landlord neglected to fix it and this was how the vandals got in, the tenant could try arguing that the owner was responsible due to his negligence.

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Q: Who is responsible for vandalism to a vehicle at an apartment complex?
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The driver

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The driver of the vehicle is always responsible for whatever his/her car hits regardless of where it is. If the child ran into the can with their bicycle, then that's a different matter.

Is your vehicle covered from vandalism if you only have liability insurance?

No, vandalism is covered by comprehensiveinsurance.

Can an apartment complex have your vehicle towed for expired tags or inspection sticker?

definitely yes. and especially in Michigan. Not in Texas unless the registered owner receives a certified letter from the apartment complex giving a 10 day warning prior to being towed.

Is it illegal to egg a vehicle?

Of course it is! Any form of vandalism is illegal.

Is throwing a small rock at a car vandalism?

throwing any type of missile of any size at a vehicle is an offense against someone else's property. If the vehicle is moving the charges can amount to much more than vandalism.

What do you mean by Vandalism in auto insurance?

Comprehensive is a physical damage coverage that is designed to pay for damages caused to your vehicle. Several different losses are covered under comprehensive coverage including: fire, theft, vandalism, explosion, civil riot, hail, and colliding with a live animal. Some insurers refer to Comprehensive coverage as Vandalism coverage. This will cover practically any type of vandalism that occurs to your vehicle except vandalism that was intentionally done by yourself. You will be required to provide a police report if vandalism is claimed.

Who is responsible for damage to a vehicle during a repossession?

the person the vehicle was leased to is responsible as they are the ones that have caused the vehicle to need to be repossessed.

What does auto comprehensive insurance cover?

Comprehensive auto insurance covers theft, fire, vandalism, weather damage, riots, and other similar acts which may cause damage to a vehicle. Comprehensive auto insurance does not usually cover acts of God, theft or vandalism by family members or employees, contents of the vehicle, or damage due to improper maintenance. Comprehensive is Fire, Theft, and Vandalism (and also if you collide w/ an animal)

Are cars covered for vandalism away from your property?

If you carry Comprehensive Coverage on your car, you are covered for vandalism. Comprehensive covers you for all "Physical Damage" to your vehicle including thef and vandalism. One note: if you are keeping your car at a location other than your home, you need to list the alternate location on your policy.

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Who is responsible in the UK for passengers wearing seatbelts?

the driver of the vehicle is responsible.