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Only Hercules has the strength to move the boulders blocking the throne rooms of Hades and Poseidon. And he will not do this until after Zeus steals the Five Sacred Items that you locate. Asking him until then is futile.

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13y ago

Only Hercules has the strength to move the boulders blocking the throne rooms of Hades and Poseidon. And he will not do this until after Zeus steals the Five Sacred Items that you locate. Take the 5 items back to Athen at the Tree of Immortality.

You will need the Touchscreen Mirror that you receive for passing Aphrodite's test on the beach in Poseidon's realm.

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Q: Who is strong enough to push the throne rock on Mythology Island?
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She is at the Tree of Immortality. You must see her before you can access the throne rooms of Poseidon or Hades.

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Hercules will help you reach the throne rooms of Poseidon and Hades. But you need the Touchscreen Mirror from Aphrodite's test in Poseidon's realm.

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You have to get Hercules to do it. He will only help you reach the throne rooms of Hades and Poseidon once you have taken the 5 sacred items back to the Tree of Immortality.