

Who is the Greek god of trade?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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Q: Who is the Greek god of trade?
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Messenger god of trade and exchange?

Hermes is the Greek god of knowledge. Mercury is the messenger god of trade and exchange.

Who was greek god for trade-commerce?

Hermes was the god of merchants and thieves.

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If by addiction you mean craft or trade, Apollo is the Greek God of music and poetry

Who is the god of trade?

Mercury (Hermes in Greek).

Who was the greek god of sales?

Hermes is the Greek god of invention, trade and thieves (among other things); he would probably be identified as the god of salesmen and selling.

What is Messenger god of trade and exchange?

mercury in roman. Hermes in greek. also god of thieves

What was Hermes in greek mythology?

He was the messenger of the gods and he was the god of trade and thiefs

What does the Roman god Mercury stand for?

Mercury is god of trade and profit, merchants and travelers, but originally of the trade in corn. In later times he was equated with the Greek Hermes.

Who is the Greek god of trickery?

Hermes Greek god of thieves, protector and patron of travellers, herdsmen, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade.

What is Hermes the god of in Greek Mythology?

He was a messenger to the gods. HERMES was the great Olympian god of travel, hospitality, trade, thievery, cunning wiles. He also was the god of smiths and fire

What Greek god has a snake?

I think you mean Hermes (Ερμής in Greek), god of trade and thievery and messenger of the gods, who holds a staff with two small snakes around it, which is eventually the symbol of medicine.

Is the god Zeus a Roman or Greek god?

He is Greek god, but he does have a roman version Jupiter