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Amanda Peet

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Q: Who is the actress in Evil Woman the movie?
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What do you call a woman with the main role in a movie or play?

Leading actress.

What was the occupation of the woman who was murdered in the 2007 movie Dead Silence?

You mean, the evil woman? She was a ventriloquist.

What movie lead to a best actress Academy Award for the woman who played the title role?

Erin Brockovich

What movie has the evil doll that has the necklace?

You're probably thinking of a made for TV movie called "Trilogy of Terror." In one of the three vignettes, a woman is given an ethnic doll that is supposed to house an evil spirit. The necklace around its neck locks the evil spirit inside. The necklace gets dislodged (or removed--can't remember) and the spirit of the doll takes over. It chases the actress throughout the apartment, attacking her with its tiny spear and really big, nasty teeth.

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Anna Murphy plays the old woman aka Rapunzels other mother.

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The Year of Living Dangerously

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The movie "The Orphanage" is a thriller about a woman who returns to her childhood home, a seaside orphanage, with her family and unknowingly unleash a long-forgotten evil spirit.

What is the name of actress in resident evil apocalypse the film?

that depends on which actress you are talking aboutAlice- MillaJovovich

What is another word for evil woman?

well, i think the another word for evil woman is a witch.

How much does a actress gets paid for a movie?

Depends on the actress and depends on the movie.

What is the name of the movie a mysterious attractive black-haired woman who turns into a cat and is evil and has sex with a man?

Cat People (1982)

A man rips a red dress off a woman in a movie and says Too bad you only got to wear it once who is the actress?

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