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The boy under the ghost of Christmas Present's robe is Ignorance, symbolizing the dangers of ignorance and lack of knowledge. It serves as a warning for Scrooge and others to not overlook or remain ignorant to the suffering and needs of those around them.

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Q: Who is the boy under the ghost of Christmas present?
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What are the names of the three ghosts in A Christmas Carol?

The Three Ghosts did not have names per se, but Scrooge refers to them as the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.The first one that pops up is the ghost of Christmas past. The second one that pops up is the ghost of Christmas present which dies every year because it has to be the present not the past. He also has two dolls named (the girl) WANT, (the boy) IGNORANCE. Then the last one is the ghost of Christmas things to come, also known as the ghost of Christmas future.Marley , the ghost of Christmas past, the ghost of Christmas present, the ghost of Christmas yet to come Jacob MArley, The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present and The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come

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What dolls? I can't remember any. In exchange, he hides under his cloak two dirty, haggard skeleton-like figures in the shape of a boy and a girl, symbolising WANT and IGNORANCE. that is basically what the answer is. in many different versions they describe WANT and IGNORANCE in different ways but they always have the same name

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Who is the voice of the ghost of Christmas present in 2009 Christmas Carol?

Jim Carrey provided the voice for the Ghost of Christmas Present in the 2009 film "A Christmas Carol".

Who did the Ghost of Christmas Present tell Scrooge to be concerned about?

The Ghost warned scrooge to beware of the children. The boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy!

Who were the children hiding under the ghost of Present's robe?

the boy was ignorance but i dont o the girls name

What are ten words or phrases Dickens uses to the spirits under the ghost of Christmas present in a Christmas Carol?

And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it

Who were the 2 children in a Christmas carol under the ghost's robe?

The two children underneath the Ghost of Christmas Present's robe are named Ignorance and Want. Representing social issues, they serve to provoke Scrooge's sense of empathy and awareness of the less fortunate.

What did the boy and girl represent in A Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Present has reason to open his coat, Hidden beneath are a boy and girl who are in poor health and look near death. he explains that the boy is ignorance. The girl is want. He tells Scrooge to be aware most of all of the boy, Ignorance.

What did scrooge say to the ghost about the scene?

Scrooge asked the ghost if the scene they were witnessing pertained to the future.

What did Scrooge see from the Ghost of Christmas Past when he was a young boy?

He seen how sad and lonely he was on Christmas .

What was writen on the boy's brow in A Christmas Carol?

In the original story the children beneath the robes of the ghost of Christmas Present were two malnourished children One, the girl he called Want , the other a boy he called Ignorance beware both but mostly beware of the boy for now on his brow the ghost continued I see written DOOM, unless the writing be erased. The ghost raised his hands toward the city of London Deny it . This was a wanting that the ignorance of man was the greatest threat to mankind especially those who would deny their ignorance and the scale of want