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Q: Who is the eldest son or daughter in the Reagan family?
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Usually to the monarch's eldest son. If the monarch doesn't have a son then it goes to the eldest daughter.

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The state of being the firstborn of the same parents; seniority by birth among children of the same family., The exclusive right of inheritance which belongs to the eldest son. Thus in England the right of inheriting the estate of the father belongs to the eldest son, and in the royal family the eldest son of the sovereign is entitled to the throne by primogeniture. In exceptional cases, among the female children, the crown descends by right of primogeniture to the eldest daughter only and her issue.

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no,the whole family. but i guess the eldest would do more>

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In the Elizabethan era, the monarchs were decided through hereditary succession. The English monarchy followed the principle of primogeniture, which meant that the eldest legitimate son of the ruling monarch would inherit the throne. If there were no sons, the next in line would be the daughter or closest relative.