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If by soldier you mean a warrior-king, then Nimrod fits the bill as the founder of Babel. In Genesis 10:8-10 we read, 'And Cush (aka Bel) begat Nimrod (acquired father's name of Bel); he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter (of game & men?) before the Lord: wherefore it is said. Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom (infers a king) was Babel (center of the future Babylonian Empire)...'

It is often stated that the Grandson of Ham - Nimrod - was a black man who had a son via Seriramis (him mother) that was a white man. It appears God's love for variation and color began from the beginning :) It also appears that some had a problem with this man due to his color but he was a very big and powerful person and none dare challenge him. It is further said that he finally was tried of his numerous sins against God in an Egyptian Counsel/Court with 70 'judges.' His accuser was Adam's son Shem (aka the 1st Hercules) who was called righteous. Nimrod's fate was his death and his body was cut up into pieces and sent throughout the land as a warning not to sin against the Law of God. It worked for awhile.

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