

Who is the leader of Judaisim?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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Avraham Aveenu was the first Jewish person and the founding father of judaisim

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Q: Who is the leader of Judaisim?
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Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur

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Is Islam known as Jew?

Islam is a religion. Jews are people of the religion judaisim.

What do judaisim's wear on there head?

What are "judaisim's" if you are talking about Jewish people (or Jews-- those who practice judaism) they wear kippot, or yamokahs in yiddish. The Torah (the old testament) states that every Jewish man should wear one on his head.

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why do you think.... its not to hard to fathom the answer. It is not exactly 'polite' and even human to do such a thing.

Who is The Father Of Judaisim?

Abraham that left Ur 4,000 years ago and gone to the land of israel (cnaan).

Name the type of religion and the symbol?

Christianity is a cross, or crucifix. Judaisim is the Star of David. Islam is the moon with the star.

What is an Aggadah?

An Aggadah is a collection of non-legalistic exegetical texts in classical rabbinic literature of Judaisim, as recorded in the Talmud and Midrash.

How did the Jews preserve Judaisim after 70 AD?

Judaism shifted from being Temple-centric to synagogue-centric.

Who is the founder of judaisim?

this is not a religion that was ' founded" this evolved 3,500 years ago by the 12 tribes of Israel led by Moses that came out of Egypt. the 12 tribes of Israel descendant from Abraham 4,000 years ago.

What do Judaisim Christianity and Islam all have in common?

Mainly, the three religions were originated by same God and call for monotheism; that is to worship God as the one and only one god with no partner, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

Who was the leader of the leader?

There is not leader of the leader considering the fact that no one knows who the first leader is.; So, there cannot be a leader of a leader. So; No One.