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The Balkans consists of several different countries each with a separate leader.

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Q: Who is the leader of the Balkans?
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What led To the eruption of war in the Balkans in early 1990's?

the Russian army's invasion of the region

What is the compromise between Constantine and Licinius?

Licinius could have Thrace and Moesia and Constantine could keep the Balkans

What territory belonged to the Byzantine Empire?

The territory belonging to the Byzantine empire was the eastern half of the Roman Empire. This included much of central Europe and had Constantinople as it's capital.

What was the fundamental source of instability in the Balkans in the 1990s?

Notably , the lack of a strong central authority after the death of Josip Broz Tito on May 4th 1980 coupled with a rising sense of nationalism.

What led to the eruption of war in the balkans in the early 1990s?

It was very complexed issue.People of the Balkans ware seduced by some ex political criminals like (Slobodan Milosevic,Franjo Tudjman, Alija Izetbegovic etc.) later selfproclaimed as national heroes,and fathers of their nations.All of this was strongly supported by some foreign secret services like CIA and ex KGB, so their Country's can have more influence on the Balkans.The above mention't so-called Patriots make also very big blood profit billions of dollars worth.All of them died without tacking any responsibility for their actions.Even Milosevic was taken on trial in Den Hag and he never lived to be convicted. This is the basic truth about wars in Balkans and many people not gonna like this because they still believe in their repressionist's as a Patriots.

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Which country was not a part of the balkans?

Italy is a country that is not considered part of the Balkans region. The Balkans typically include countries in Southeastern Europe such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.

Where is the balkans?

The Balkans (or the Balkan Peninsula) is located in Southeastern Europe.

When did Parascheva of the Balkans die?

Parascheva of the Balkans died in 10##.

When was Silence of the Balkans created?

Silence of the Balkans was created in 1998.

When was Imagining the Balkans created?

Imagining the Balkans was created in 1997.

What ethnic group did Balkans and Russia belong to?

The majority of the population of the Balkans and Russia are the Slavs.

What country in the Western Balkans is landlocked?

The country that is landlocked in the Western Balkans is Macedonia.

When was The Scent of Rain in the Balkans created?

The Scent of Rain in the Balkans was created in 1986.

When was Al Jazeera Balkans created?

Al Jazeera Balkans was created in 2011.

When was Dance Party in the Balkans created?

Dance Party in the Balkans was created in 2007.

Who introduced Islam to the Balkans?

The Ottoman Empire.

Who rebelled against the rule of the rule of the Ottoman Empire?
