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No sorry shes just a side character

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Q: Who is the mime in the old Batman comics and is there any info about her?
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He is in the comics, and he is killed by The Joker.

Did robin play drums on Batman?

No, Robin is a fictional character in the Batman comics who is known for being Batman's sidekick. He does not play drums in any Batman storylines.

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The value of a DC Comics Batman issue #19 can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and any special factors like a variant cover or first appearance. It's recommended to check online marketplaces like eBay or comic book price guides for the most accurate pricing information.

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Why MIME does not have any port number?

because MIME is not a protocol :) it is a standard that increase the format or services of e-mail .

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Yes, there are several ninja superheroes in comics and popular culture. Some examples include characters like Batman, Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe, and Elektra from Marvel Comics. These characters are known for their exceptional combat skills, stealth abilities, and mastery of martial arts.

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I recently saw the Dark Night Rises and decided I should delve into the world of comic books. So does anyone know what Batman comics I should start with?

It depends on how far back you want to go. Batman made his debut in Detective Comics #27, May 1939, so there is a wealth of comic history out there for Batman. I would recommend a few collections that highlight the Silver Age Batman, from the 1960s-1980s. Showcase Presents is a series of graphic novels that highlight the comics from that era. It's in black and white, but the stories are quite amazing, and gives you a sense of Batman's evolution as a character. If you want to delve in the nitty-gritty, I definitely recommend the following: Batman: Year One by Frank Miller and Dave Mazzucchelli (The basic origin of Batman, and his first year as a crimefighter) The Dark Night Returns by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson (a possible future involving Batman and the world in general) The Long Halloween by Jeff Loeb and Tim Sale (Great murder mystery, and it goes into the comic-book origin of Two Face) The Killing Joke by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland (One of the best, if not the best, books focusing on The Joker) There are two graphic novels that collect the first appearance of Bane, if you're interested. The story arc is called "Knightfall," and it shows Bane at his most brilliant. There are plenty of books out there that highlight Batman, Bane, and of course Catwoman. Of course, there is always the tried-and-true method... go to the nearest comic book store and ask for the latest issue of Batman or Detective Comics. The store itself, and any bookstore that sells comics and graphic novels, can really get you started in the world of comic books. Hope this helps.

Who is bigger marvel or dc comics?

DC Comics are older than Marvel Comics.DC Comics was founded in 1934 as National Allied Publications. which debuted with the tabloid-sized New Fun: The Big Comic Magazine #1 in February 1935.The comic-book arm of Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications.

Is there any comics stores at Malaysia?

Got. Try to google " the mindshop" and comics corner.