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None of the Old Testament prophets ever mentioned Jesus, either by name or in any way that could objectively identify him or his mission on earth. From this point of view, all the prophets are equal.

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Q: Who is the minor prophet who has uttered more messianic prophecies than others?
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Which minor prophet has uttered more messianic prophecies than the others?

None of the minor prophets did it.

Who was the Persian prophet that developed a monotheistic religion that influenced others?

The prophet named is Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he is an Arabic prophet and not Persian. Prophet Muhammad called his people to Islam.

What is another name of prophets?

Prophet is prophet, there no others names and which direct give by God ( Allah} and they are messenger of god.

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Seers like Ismenus may create prophecies to gain power and influence over others, or to instill fear and control in a population. Prophecies can also be used as a tool for manipulation and to shape future events in a way that benefits the seer.

Did any of her prophecies come true?

There is no concrete evidence to definitively prove whether Nostradamus' prophecies have come true. Some believe that certain events may have been loosely interpreted to fit his predictions, while others argue that his prophecies are too vague to confirm their accuracy. Ultimately, the validity of Nostradamus' prophecies remains a topic of debate and speculation.

Which prophet said that Jesus would suffer for others?

AnswerThe prophet Isaiah referred a great deal to Jesus' sufferings for us.

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Did the prophet mohamed found the Muslim religion?

Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) did only build on what other prophets like Jesus, Abraham, Moses and others have set.

What is the name of sahabi who is same look of prohet Muhammad?

No, sahabis are not the same as Prophets. They are the people who saw the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and they followed the Prophet, companions of the Prophet.

Is Jesus the Messiah?

Answer 1Yes. One reason so many think this is so, is because of the many Messianic prophecies He explicitly fulfilled. Some have calculated the statistical possibility of someone fulfilling these as practically nil, unless they were the actual person of course. It would have been impossible for a usurper to engineer things outside of their control, such as where they were to be born and how they were to die for example.Answer 2Yes. He is real and will come soon for the day of judgement. Our country was built on God.Answer 3The requirements that the credentials would have to match were set out in many Bible prophecies written centuries beforehand. They foretold in minute detail the manner of the Messiah's coming, the nature of his ministry, his suffering at the hands of others, and the type of death he would experience. You may be interested in knowing that those reliable prophecies also foretold his resurrection, his exaltation to the right hand of God, and finally the blessings his future Kingdom rule would bring. In this way, Bible prophecies provided a unique pattern that might be likened to a fingerprint, which can identify only one person.Of course, when Jesus appeared on the scene in 29 C.E., not all Messianic prophecies were fulfilled then and there. For example, he had not yet been put to death and resurrected. Nevertheless, Andrew, Philip, and many others put faith in Jesus because of what he taught and did. They saw abundant proof that he was, in fact, the Messiah. If you had lived back then and could have studied the evidence firsthand with an open mind, you too would probably have been convinced that Jesus was the Messiah.

Who was the Christians Prophet?

Christians believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God and so their ProphetsPlural, are many. There in no one Prophet in Christianity. There is one God and many Prophets as spelled out in the Bible.Some Prophets from the Old Testament are:Samuel, Jeremiah, Zacharia, Elijah, Elisha and DanielSome New Testament Prophets are:John the Baptist and John the ApostleJesus was not a Prophet. He is the Son of God in the Flesh. His first coming as the Savior of the World is the fulfilment of most Old Testament Prophesies He will fulfill all the rest of the Prophecies in the Future when he comes again. This second coming is signalled by the Rapturing of the saints. The Rapture is when all believers are taken to heaven suddenly at the trump of the ArchangelThe main prophet is Christ. Others are Moses and Abraham which are in all religions.

Who did the Jews say Jesus was?

Some believed He was the Son of God, the Messiah. Others believed He was a prophet of God while others still believed He was an imposter.