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Queen Esther. Her story can be found in the book of Esther right after the book of Nehemiah.

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Q: Who is the old testament queen who saved the Jewish people from being killed?
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What percentage of People killed in the Holocaust were actually criminals?

That would be a question of semantics, you could say all were, as being Jewish made someone a criminal. Or you could say that none, as one cannot use one's faith in a legal classification, so as people were killed in the Holocaust for being Jewish, not for any crime, none were killed for being criminals.

Why were criminals killed in the holocaust?

Criminals would have been killed because of their crimes, but this would have been part of the justice system, not part of the Holocaust, people were only killed for being Jewish in the Holocaust.

What are some ways the new and Old Testament are alike?

In the old testament it begins with babies being slaughtered with the pharaohs order. The new testament starts with the babies being killed by king Herod.

What is the Jewish holy book written after the Old Testament?

The Christian Old Testament plays no role in Judaism. That being said, the Jewish Bible is called the Tanach and there are no other holy books other than those found in the Jewish Bible.

How were Jewish people being tortured?

being starved and not being able to take a shower or bath. Being separated from there family. Being raped. Some times beat but usually the Germans just killed them.

In 1940 life for Jewish people changed how and why?

by being killed, stuff being taken away from you and all of the camps of course such as: death camps concentration camps and more.

When did Hitler started being mean to the Jews?

Hitler thought that everyone in Germany were the best people, except the jews. So he started something called the Holocaust, it basically killed Jewish people

Why did life change for Jewish and why?

They changed by being killed, stuff being taken away and camps such as: death concentration and more.

Why did people get killed at Auschwitz?

They also died because they dint eat that much food like we do today.They were dying because they were being killed by the Germans. The Germans killed them by Cyclone's gas and they also got cremated.By a 12 year old from Breaching High school.

How many people were killed during the Nazi holocaust?

It has been estimated that about 13.5 Million people were murdered during the Holocaust. 6.6 Million being Jews, 3 Million being Soviet POW's, 1.9 Million being Non-Jewish Poles. Other kinds of people such as the Mentally and Physically Disables along with Criminals, Black People and Romas were also killed the Nazi Genocide which is known as the Holocaust.

Which old testament book never mentions god?

There is no specific mention of God in the Book of Esther, although many Bible readers will understand the deliverance of the Jewish people that it describes (which is celebrated in the Jewish feast of Purim) as being evidence of God's "behind-the-scenes" involvement.

Did any Jewish people renounce being Jewish during the Holocaust?

Yes, but being Jewish in the Holocaust was not judged by one's self, it was determined by the Nazis.