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George Catlett Marshall, Jr. was U.S. Sec. of State from Jan 1947 to Jan 1949 and U.S. Sec. of Defense from Sep 1950 to Sep 1951.

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Q: Who is the only person to be both secretary of state and secretary of defence?
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Is it possible to be both a member of congress and secretary of defence?

yes it is impossble

Who is in charge of the department of veterans affairs?

the sole person in charge of the Department of Veterans Affairs is the secretary of the department of veterans affairs, this position is held at both the state and federal levels (i.e. you have your state secretary and your federal secretary)

What is the difference between the U.S. secretary of state and California's secretary of state?

The difference is the area of jurisdiction. Another difference is that the U.S secretary of state is appointed by the president while the California secretary of state is elected. Both have the same roles but the California's secretary of state reports to the U.S. secretary state.

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The Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Can a person be a Senator and Secretary of State at the same time?

In the US a person cannot hold the positions of Senator and of US Secretary of State at the same time for two reasons.They are both full-time jobs.They are in different branches of the government and performing both positions would be a conflict of interest

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The electoral commission is in charge of overseeing state elections. The elections are coordinated by both the state and federal government.

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James Monroe became President March 4 1817 after he had served as?

James Monroe served as Secretary of State and as Secretary of War under Madison. For some of the time, he held both positions at once.

Can a president also be a treasurer or secretary in a corporation?

Yes, one person can act as president, secretary and treasurer. Historically, corporations were required to have a president and a secretary, who could not be the same person. Modern statutes, however, still require a corporation to have both a president and a secretary but specifically allow the same person to fill both offices. Corporate governance is based on state statutes, so there may be some variation between states.

What did Jefferson and Hamilton have in common?

Hamilton and Jefferson had different ideologies. Commonalities include both being writers, both served their state legislatures, and both held national offices prior to Presidency. they both had faith in the republican society

Was James Monroe secretary of the state?

Thomas Jefferson was the first Secretary of State.

Was the secretary of state fired by Johnson?

No- both of the presidents Johnson kept the Secretaries of State they inherited from their predecessors.