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The Christian view is that Jesus was not a prophet, he was the son of God.

In Islam, both Jesus and Muhammad are considered prophets.

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Q: Who is the prophesied prophet Jesus or Muhammad?
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Was Prophet Muhammad's spirituality the same as Jesus?

No. The "prophet" Muhammad was either communicating with demons or a conman.

Is Prophet Muhammad is more famous than Jesus?

Both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad are famous. As for who is more famous, statistics are not available to determine that.

What did Muslims believe Jesus Christ and Muhammad were?

As I see it, the Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but Muhammad was a more recent prophet. But they are very different because Jesus Christ is God, (Titus 2.13), and Muhammad is a prophet that tells of another God, Allah.

Is Muhammad a prophet?

Yes , Just like Musa(moses), Isa(Jesus) and Ibrahim(Abraham). Look it up on Jesus wasa prophet. And Muhammad was a prophet too.

Is Jesus a greater prophet than muhammed?

Yes, Muslims believe Jesus was born of virgin, Muhammad was not, Jesus performed miracles Muhammad did not, Jesus was taken to heaven Muhammad was not, Jesus will return to earth in future, Muhammad will not. therefore Jesus is greater than Muhammad

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Do muslims believe in Jesus as a form of God?

No. They consider Jesus just a man. A prophet, yes, but not as good as their own prophet, Muhammad.

Who came first Prophet Mohammed or Jesus?

Prophets Abraham then Jesus then Muhammad (peace upon them all)

Who leads the islamic religion?

Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam Just like in christianity it is Jesus prophet muhammad is the leader of islam

What did Muhammad said that he was?

He is the Prophet of god, just like Abraham and Jesus. Muslims believe he was the last Prophet

How many years gap between Jesus and prophet Mohamed?

There is approximately a 600-year gap between Jesus and Prophet Muhammad. Jesus is believed to have lived in the early 1st century AD, while Prophet Muhammad was born in the late 6th century AD.

What is dissimilarities between muhammed and Christ?

Some of the dissimilarities betweenMuhammad and Jesus are as followed: * Muhammad was a prophet * Jesus was a prophet who was also the Son of God ** Muhammad was a special messenger of God ** Jesus was the message of God ( He was the "Word" *** Muhammad taught there is life after death *** Jesus is that "Life" ( " I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life no one comes to the father except by me".)