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Q: Who is the supreme god of rome?
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How ancient rome is the supreme example for politics?

Ancient Rome is not the supreme example for politics.

Who runs the church in rome?

The Pope is the supreme authority (under God) in the Roman Catholic Church.

What faction of Rome ended up as supreme ruler of Rome?

the house of juli.

Who is the supreme God of Norse mythology?

There is no official "Supreme God", like Zeus is in Greek mythology. However if one were to give the title of "Supreme God" to a Norse God it would have to be Odin.

How was the will of the supreme being given to god?

If you believe people made up the concept of God, then people also made up "the will of the supreme being." If you believe that God is a real supreme being, then the will of the supreme being was not given to God, but something God possesses and man simply recognizes.

Who was the supreme god in in Hindu mythology?

There's none as "supreme god". God itself is considered as "supreme". The shape and form we give to offer prayers is upto each individual.

What is the name of the supreme god in christianiy?


Did the Hindu believe in one God?

Hindus believe in One Supreme god (Brahman) and many manifestations of the one supreme god.

Who is the god of darkness in ancient rome?

Erelus was the god of pure darkness in ancient Rome.

What is the god of love in rome?

The love god in Rome is Venus, or Aphrodite in Greek form.

Supreme of hindusim?

the supreme god or goddess s brahma

Who was the first supreme god?

The followers of the Hinduism have many gods they honor. The first supreme god of the religion is Brahman.