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Q: Who lead the confederate states of America in the civil war?
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Who lead the South into the Civil War?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America. ______________ But he did not lead the south into the Civil War he led them DURING the civil war.

Who was chosen to lead the confederate states of America?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the commander of the confederate states during the civil war?

General Robert E. Lee lead the army, Jefferson Davis led the Confederate states as their president.

Who leaded the southern colonies?

Jefferson Davis was ran unopposed and was elected to lead the Confederate States of America in 1861. He was the only 'President' of the South.

Which pres graduated from military academy?

President Ulysses Grant, he was also the general of the union army during the Civil War President Dwight Eisenhower, he was the general who lead the United States in WWII. President Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.

How did the confederates states of America lead to the civil war?

The president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, opposed the secession of the lower South from the Union and maintained that the US government would enforce the collection of tariffs on imported goods even in the seceded states. The original seceded states, which formed the Confederate States of America, opposed Lincoln's attempt to land US troops at several forts in those states which resulted in war and the secession of four more states.

What issues lead to Civil War in 1861?

the lead of the civil war was slavery

Who lead the confederate states in the battle?

General Robert E. Lee

Which general lead the confederate army in the US Civil War?

Gen. Robert .E. Lee

Who was Jefferson Davis and why was he important the civil war?

He was president of the Confederacy, and caused one major reason for the Civil War: he wanted to secede from the United States (along with the rest of the South), but Abraham Lincoln couldn't let him do that. This argument lead straight to the Civil War. There were other reasons, of course, but those don't have to do much with JeffERson Davis.Maybe a Freudian slip - impotent? important?Alas, he was important but thoroughly impotent, in his handling of both the ConfederateGenerals and the CabinetMinisters.Davis was the Confederate President, and could look like a good advertisement for slavery, as he treated his slaves so well that they didn't want their freedom.But the true symbol of the Confederate spirit was Robert E. Lee.

How did the adoption of the constitution lead to the American Civil War?

If slavery is in the constitution then that helped lead to the War of the Rebellion (aka Civil War). If it's not, then the constitution had nothing to do with it. Slavery was the life style of the south up until 1865 (when the war ended). The reason the war started was so that LIFE STYLE could continue, either as a member of the United States or the Confederate States. It wasn't going to continue as a member of the US, so the south decided to leave the US and start their own country...the Confederate States of America. The US wasn't about to let a new nation be formed, so they (the US) fought to keep the CSA from forming. The US succeeded in keeping the CSA from becoming another nation on the North American continent.

Which nation did Harry Truman lead?

The United States of America.